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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5694 T-17-1284 저자명 : Corte Osorio LY, Mart챠nez Flores HE, Ortiz Alvarado R. 논문명 : [Effect of dietary fiber in the quantitative expression of butyrate receptor GPR43 in rats colon]. 2011
5693 T-17-1281 저자명 : Castillo SL, Heredia N, Contreras JF, Garc챠a S. 논문명 : Extracts of edible and medicinal plants in inhibition of growth, adherence, and cytotoxin production of?괖ampylobacter jejuni?괶nd?괖ampylobacter coli. 2011
5692 T-17-1124 저자명 : Hsu CC, Kuo HC, Chang SY, Wu TC, Huang KE. 논문명 : The assessment of efficacy of Diascorea alata for menopausal symptom treatment in Taiwanese women. 2011
5691 T-17-1117 저자명 : Mbiantcha M, Kamanyi A, Teponno RB, Tapondjou AL, Watcho P, Nguelefack TB. 논문명 : Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Extracts from the Bulbils of Dioscorea bulbifera L. var sativa (Dioscoreaceae) in Mice and Rats. 2011
5690 T-17-1116 저자명 : Gong G, Qin Y, Huang W. 논문명 : Anti-thrombosis effect of diosgenin extract from Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright in vitro and in vivo. 2011
5689 T-17-1115 저자명 : Peng KY, Horng LY, Sung HC, Huang HC, Wu RT. 논문명 : Hepatocyte growth factor has a role in the amelioration of diabetic vascular complications via autophagic clearance of advanced glycation end products: Dispo85E, an HGF inducer, as a potential botanical drug. 2011
5688 T-17-1111 저자명 : Miyoshi N, Nagasawa T, Mabuchi R, Yasui Y, Wakabayashi K, Tanaka T, Ohshima H. 논문명 : Chemoprevention of azoxymethane/dextran sodium sulfate-induced mouse colon carcinogenesis by freeze-dried yam sanyaku and its constituent diosgenin. 2011
5687 T-17-1110 저자명 : Yeo J, Kang YM, Cho SI, Jung MH. 논문명 : Effects of a multi-herbal extract on type 2 diabetes. 2011
5686 T-17-1109 저자명 : Tong QY, Qing Y, Shu D, He Y, Zhao YL, Li Y, Wang ZL, Zhang SY, Xing ZH, Xu C, Wei YQ, Huang W, Wu XH. 논문명 : Deltonin, a steroidal saponin, inhibits colon cancer cell growth in vitro and tumor growth in vivo via induction of apoptosis and antiangiogenesis. 2011
5685 T-17-1108 저자명 : Chiu CS, Chiu YJ, Wu LY, Lu TC, Huang TH, Hsieh MT, Lu CY, Peng WH. 논문명 : Diosgenin ameliorates cognition deficit and attenuates oxidative damage in senescent mice induced by D-galactose. 2011