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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5754 T-17-1947 저자명 : Cazzola R, Camerotto C, Cestaro B. 논문명 : Anti-oxidant, anti-glycant, and inhibitory activity against 慣-amylase and 慣-glucosidase of selected spices and culinary herbs. 2011
5753 T-17-1946 저자명 : Nkomo M, Nkeh-Chungag BN, Kambizi L, Ndebia EJ, Sewani-Rusike C, Iputo JE. 논문명 : Investigation of the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of Heteromorpha arborescens (Apiaceae). 2011
5752 T-17-1945 저자명 : Lefort EC, Blay J. 논문명 : The dietary flavonoid apigenin enhances the activities of the anti-metastatic protein CD26 on human colon carcinoma cells. 2011
5751 T-17-1944 저자명 : Johnson JJ. 논문명 : Carnosol: a promising anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent. 2011
5750 T-17-1943 저자명 : Dorman HJ, Lantto TA, Raasmaja A, Hiltunen R. 논문명 : Antioxidant, pro-oxidant and cytotoxic properties of parsley. 2011
5749 T-17-1942 저자명 : Chaves DS, Frattani FS, Assafim M, de Almeida AP, de Zingali RB, Costa SS. 논문명 : Phenolic chemical composition of Petroselinum crispum extract and its effect on haemostasis. 2011
5748 T-17-1940 저자명 : Haidari F, Keshavarz SA, Mohammad Shahi M, Mahboob SA, Rashidi MR. 논문명 : Effects of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and its Flavonol Constituents, Kaempferol and Quercetin, on Serum Uric Acid Levels, Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Liver Xanthine Oxidoreductase Aactivity inOxonate-Induced Hyperuricemic Rats. 2011
5747 T-17-1939 저자명 : Lee JY, Park W. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effect of myristicin on RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid. 2011
5746 T-17-1900 저자명 : Kai H, Akamatsu E, Torii E, Kodama H, Yukizaki C, Sakakibara Y, Suiko M, Morishita K, Kataoka H, Matsuno K. 논문명 : Inhibition of proliferation by agricultural plant extracts in seven human adult T-cell leukaemia (ATL)-related cell lines. 2011
5745 T-17-1899 저자명 : Tarak D, Namsa ND, Tangjang S, Arya SC, Rajbonshi B, Samal PK, Mandal M. 논문명 : An inventory of the ethnobotanicals used as anti-diabetic by a rural community of Dhemaji district of Assam, Northeast India. 2011