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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5804 T-17-2774 저자명 : Choi YJ, Yoon Y, Choi HS, Park S, Oh S, Jeong SM, Suh HR, Lee BH. 논문명 : Effects of Medicinal herb Extracts and their Components on Steatogenic Hepatotoxicity in Sk-hep1 Cells. 2011
5803 T-17-2701 저자명 : Kim MJ, Lee J, Seong AR, Lee YH, Kim YJ, Baek HY, Kim YJ, Jun WJ, Yoon HG. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of Eriobotrya japonica against 棺-amyloid-induced oxidative stress and memory impairment. 2011
5802 T-17-2700 저자명 : Cha DS, Eun JS, Jeon H. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties of the leaves of Eriobotrya japonica. 2011
5801 T-17-2699 저자명 : Alshaker HA, Qinna NA, Qadan F, Bustami M, Matalka KZ. 논문명 : Eriobotrya japonica hydrophilic extract modulates cytokines in normal tissues, in the tumor of Meth-A-fibrosarcoma bearing mice, and enhances their survival time. 2011
5800 T-17-2698 저자명 : Kikuchi T, Akazawa H, Tabata K, Manosroi A, Manosroi J, Suzuki T, Akihisa T. 논문명 : 3-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl tormentic acid from Eriobotrya japonica leaves induces caspase-dependent apoptotic cell death in human leukemia cell line. 2011
5799 T-17-2697 저자명 : Chang CT, Huang SS, Lin SS, Amagaya S, Ho HY, Hou WC, Shie PH, Wu JB, Huang GJ. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory activities of tormentic acid from suspension cells of Eriobotrya Japonicaex vivo and in vivo. 2011
5798 T-17-2683 저자명 : Rondon FC, Bevilaqua CM, Accioly MP, Morais SM, Andrade-Junior HF, Machado LK, Cardoso RP, Almeida CA, Queiroz-Junior EM, Rodrigues AC. 논문명 : In vitro effect of Aloe vera, Coriandrum sativum and Ricinus communis fractions on Leishmania infantum and on murine monocytic cells. 2011
5797 T-17-2682 저자명 : Panghal M, Kaushal V, Yadav JP. 논문명 : In vitro antimicrobial activity of ten medicinal plants against clinical isolates of oral cancer cases. 2011
5796 T-17-2681 저자명 : Kim HU, Lee KR, Go YS, Jung JH, Suh MC, Kim JB. 논문명 : Endoplasmic reticulum-located PDAT1-2 from castor bean enhances hydroxy fatty acid accumulation in transgenic plants. 2011
5795 T-17-2638 저자명 : Adeyemi OS, Akanji MA. 논문명 : Biochemical changes in the kidney and liver of rats following administration of ethanolic extract of Psidium guajava leaves. 2011