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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5714 T-17-1487 저자명 : Lansley KE, Winyard PG, Fulford J, Vanhatalo A, Bailey SJ, Blackwell JR, DiMenna FJ, Gilchrist M, Benjamin N, Jones AM. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate supplementation reduces the O2 cost of walking and running: a placebo-controlled study. 2011
5713 T-17-1485 저자명 : Ferreira LF, Behnke BJ. 논문명 : A toast to health and performance! Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and the O2 cost of exercise. 2011
5712 T-17-1483 저자명 : Bloomer RJ, Farney TM, Trepanowski JF, McCarthy CG, Canale RE. 논문명 : Effect of betaine supplementation on plasma nitrate/nitrite in exercise-trained men. 2011
5711 T-17-1482 저자명 : Kenjale AA, Ham KL, Stabler T, Robbins JL, Johnson JL, Vanbruggen M, Privette G, Yim E, Kraus WE, Allen JD. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate supplementation enhances exercise performance in peripheral arterial disease. 2011
5710 T-17-1481 저자명 : Lansley KE, Winyard PG, Bailey SJ, Vanhatalo A, Wilkerson DP, Blackwell JR, Gilchrist M, Benjamin N, Jones AM. 논문명 : Acute dietary nitrate supplementation improves cycling time trial performance. 2011
5709 T-17-1480 저자명 : Zand J, Lanza F, Garg HK, Bryan NS. 논문명 : All-natural nitrite and nitrate containing dietary supplement promotes nitric oxide production and reduces triglycerides in humans. 2011
5708 T-17-1479 저자명 : Fardet A, Martin JF, Chardigny JM. 논문명 : Thermal and refining processes, not fermentation, tend to reduce lipotropic capacity of plant-based foods. 2011
5707 T-17-1478 저자명 : Vanhatalo A, Fulford J, Bailey SJ, Blackwell JR, Winyard PG, Jones AM. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate reduces muscle metabolic perturbation and improves exercise tolerance in hypoxia. 2011
5706 T-17-1477 저자명 : Wroblewska M, Juskiewicz J, Wiczkowski W. 논문명 : Physiological properties of beetroot crisps applied in standard and dyslipidaemic diets of rats. 2011
5705 T-17-1299 저자명 : Butterweck V, Semlin L, Feistel B, Pischel I, Bauer K, Verspohl EJ. 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of two different Opuntia ficus-indica extracts for blood sugar lowering effects in rats. 2011