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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8634 T-17-1052 저자명 : Han CH, Lin YF, Lin YS, Lee TL, Huang WJ, Lin SY, Hou WC. 논문명 : Effects of yam tuber protein, dioscorin, on attenuating oxidative status and learning dysfunction in d-galactose-induced BALB/c mice. 2014
8633 T-17-1051 저자명 : Amat N, Amat R, Abdureyim S, Hoxur P, Osman Z, Mamut D, Kijjoa A. 논문명 : Aqueous extract of dioscorea opposita thunb. normalizes the hypertension in 2K1C hypertensive rats. 2014
8632 T-17-1050 저자명 : Yu H, Zheng L, Yin L, Xu L, Qi Y, Han X, Xu Y, Liu K, Peng J. 논문명 : Protective effects of the total saponins from Dioscorea nipponica Makino against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice through suppression of apoptosis and inflammation. 2014
8631 T-17-1049 저자명 : Tikhonova MA, Yu CH, Kolosova NG, Gerlinskaya LA, Maslennikova SO, Yudina AV, Amstislavskaya TG, Ho YJ. 논문명 : Comparison of behavioral and biochemical deficits in rats with hereditary defined or D-galactose-induced accelerated senescence: evaluating the protective effects of diosgenin. 2014
8630 T-17-1048 저자명 : Chen GL, Wu S, Na S, Li L. 논문명 : [Effect of total saponin of dioscorea on uric acid excretion indicators in chronic hyperuricemia rats]. 2014
8629 T-17-1047 저자명 : R챗go Tde S, Ash Lda S, Pessoa L, Feij처 MB, Leite J, dos Santos Ade S, da Costa CA, Boaventura GT. 논문명 : The intake of yam (Dioscorea bulbifera Linn) attenuated the hyperglycemia and the bone fragility in female diabetic rats. 2014
8628 T-17-1046 저자명 : Ju Y, Xue Y, Huang J, Zhai Q, Wang XH. 논문명 : Antioxidant Chinese yam polysaccharides and its pro-proliferative effect on endometrial epithelial cells. 2014
8627 T-17-1045 저자명 : Xia B, Xu B, Sun Y, Xiao L, Pan J, Jin H, Tong P. 논문명 : The effects of Liuwei Dihuang on canonical Wnt/棺-catenin signaling pathway in osteoporosis. 2014
8626 T-17-1044 저자명 : Sato K, Fujita S, Iemitsu M. 논문명 : Acute administration of diosgenin or dioscorea improves hyperglycemia with increases muscular steroidogenesis in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic rats. 2014
8625 T-17-1043 저자명 : Koo HJ, Park HJ, Byeon HE, Kwak JH, Um SH, Kwon ST, Rhee DK, Pyo S. 논문명 : Chinese yam extracts containing β-sitosterol and ethyl linoleate protect against atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice and inhibit muscular expression of VCAM-1 in vitro. 2014