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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8654 T-17-1261 저자명 : Tesoriere L, Attanzio A, Allegra M, Gentile C, Livrea MA. 논문명 : Indicaxanthin inhibits NADPH oxidase (NOX)-1 activation and NF-觀B-dependent release of inflammatory mediators and prevents the increase of epithelial permeability in IL-1棺-exposed Caco-2 cells. 2014
8653 T-17-1257 저자명 : Allegra M, Ianaro A, Tersigni M, Panza E, Tesoriere L, Livrea MA. 논문명 : Indicaxanthin from cactus pear fruit exerts anti-inflammatory effects in carrageenin-induced rat pleurisy. 2014
8652 T-17-1256 저자명 : Choi SB, Bae GS, Park KC, Jo IJ, Seo SH, Song K, Lee DS, Oh H, Kim YC, Kim JJ, Shin YK, Park JH, Seo MJ, Song HJ, Park SJ. 논문명 : Opuntia humifusa ameliorated cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. 2014
8651 T-17-1254 저자명 : Hfaiedh M, Brahmi D, Zourgui L. 논문명 : Protective role of cactus cladodes extract on sodium dichromate-induced testicular injury and oxidative stress in rats. 2014
8650 T-17-1253 저자명 : Ko BS, Lee HW, Kim DS, Kang S, Ryuk JA, Park S. 논문명 : Supplementing with Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and Dioscorea nipponica Makino extracts synergistically attenuates menopausal symptoms in estrogen-deficient rats. 2014
8649 T-17-1252 저자명 : Naselli F, Tesoriere L, Caradonna F, Bellavia D, Attanzio A, Gentile C, Livrea MA. 논문명 : Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activity of whole extract and isolated indicaxanthin from Opuntia ficus-indica associated with re-activation of the onco-suppressor p16(INK4a) gene in human colorectal carcinoma (Caco-2) cells. 2014
8648 T-17-1251 저자명 : Chahdoura H, Barreira JC, Barros L, Santos-Buelga C, Ferreira IC, Achour L. 논문명 : Phytochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of the cladodes of Opuntia macrorhiza (Engelm.) and Opuntia microdasys (Lehm.). 2014
8647 T-17-1250 저자명 : Berraaouan A, Ziyyat A, Mekhfi H, Legssyer A, Sindic M, Aziz M, Bnouham M. 논문명 : Evaluation of antidiabetic properties of cactus pear seed oil in rats. 2014
8646 T-17-1249 저자명 : Uebelhack R, Busch R, Alt F, Beah ZM, Chong PW. 논문명 : Effects of cactus fiber on the excretion of dietary fat in healthy subjects: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical investigation. 2014
8645 T-17-1248 저자명 : L처pez-Romero P, Pichardo-Ontiveros E, Avila-Nava A, V찼zquez-Manjarrez N, Tovar AR, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Torres N. 논문명 : The effect of nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) on postprandial blood glucose, incretins, and antioxidant activity in Mexican patients with type 2 diabetes after consumption of two different composition breakfasts. 2014