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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8594 T-17-0754 저자명 : Kwon SJ, Lee JH, Moon KD, Jeong IY, Ahn DU, Lee MK, Seo KI. 논문명 : Induction of apoptosis by isoegomaketone from Perilla frutescens L. in B16 melanoma cells is mediated through ROS generation and mitochondrial-dependent, -independent pathway. 2014
8593 T-17-0753 저자명 : Zhu F, Asada T, Sato A, Koi Y, Nishiwaki H, Tamura H. 논문명 : Rosmarinic acid extract for antioxidant, antiallergic, and 慣-glucosidase inhibitory activities, isolated by supramolecular technique and solvent extraction from Perilla leaves. 2014
8592 T-17-0752 저자명 : Zhang T, Zhao S, Li W, Ma L, Ding M, Li R, Liu Y. 논문명 : High-fat diet from perilla oil induces insulin resistance despite lower serum lipids and increases hepatic fatty acid oxidation in rats. 2014
8591 T-17-0751 저자명 : Esmaeili MA, Sonboli A, Mirjalili MH. 논문명 : Oxidative stress protective effect of Dracocephalum multicaule essential oil against human cancer cell line. 2014
8590 T-17-0750 저자명 : Lim HJ, Woo KW, Lee KR, Lee SK, Kim HP. 논문명 : Inhibition of Proinflammatory Cytokine Generation in Lung Inflammation by the Leaves of Perilla frutescens and Its Constituents. 2014
8589 T-17-0749 저자명 : Kim HJ, Lee W, Yun JM. 논문명 : Luteolin inhibits hyperglycemia-induced proinflammatory cytokine production and its epigenetic mechanism in human monocytes. 2014
8588 T-17-0748 저자명 : Lee HC, Ko HK, Huang BE, Chu YH, Huang SY. 논문명 : Antidepressant-like effects of Perilla frutescens seed oil during a forced swimming test. 2014
8587 T-17-0747 저자명 : Jang JY, Kim TS, Cai J, Kim J, Kim Y, Shin K, Kim KS, Lee SP, Kang MH, Choi EK, Rhee MH, Kim YB. 논문명 : Perilla oil improves blood flow through inhibition of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. 2014
8586 T-17-0744 저자명 : Jeon IH, Kim HS, Kang HJ, Lee HS, Jeong SI, Kim SJ, Jang SI. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects of luteolin from Perilla (P. frutescens L.) leaves. 2014
8585 T-17-0743 저자명 : Buchwald-Werner S, Fujii H, Reule C, Schoen C. 논문명 : Perilla extract improves gastrointestinal discomfort in a randomized placebo controlled double blind human pilot study. 2014