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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8684 T-17-1567 저자명 : Huh E, Kim HG, Park H, Kang MS, Lee B, Oh MS. 논문명 : Houttuynia cordata Improves Cognitive Deficits in Cholinergic Dysfunction Alzheimer's Disease-Like Models. 2014
8683 T-17-1565 저자명 : Jeon S, Lee CH, Liu QF, Kim GW, Koo BS, Pak SC. 논문명 : Alteration in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after treatment of mice with herbal mixture containing Euphoria longana, Houttuynia cordata and Dioscorea japonica. 2014
8682 T-17-1564 저자명 : Chen WT, Yang CL, Yin MC. 논문명 : Protective effects from Houttuynia cordata aqueous extract against acetaminophen-induced liver injury. 2014
8681 T-17-1562 저자명 : Doi K, Mitoma C, Nakahara T, Uchi H, Hashimoto-Hachiya A, Takahara M, Tsuji G, Nakahara M, Furue M. 논문명 : Antioxidant Houttuynia cordata extract upregulates filaggrin expression in an aryl hydrocarbon-dependent manner. 2014
8680 T-17-1524 저자명 : Scheid MM, Genaro PS, Moreno YM, Pastore GM. 논문명 : Freeze-dried powdered yacon: effects of FOS on serum glucose, lipids and intestinal transit in the elderly. 2014
8679 T-17-1523 저자명 : Vaz-Tostes Md, Viana ML, Grancieri M, Luz TC, Paula Hd, Pedrosa RG, Costa NM. 논문명 : Yacon effects in immune response and nutritional status of iron and zinc in preschool children. 2014
8678 T-17-1522 저자명 : Zhu ZY, Zhang JY, Chen LJ, Liu XC, Liu Y, Wang WX, Zhang YM. 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of polysaccharides isolated from Astragalus, oyster mushroom, and yacon as inhibitors of 慣-glucosidase. 2014
8677 T-17-1504 저자명 : Lee J, Lee S, Kim SL, Choi JW, Seo JY, Choi DJ, Park YI. 논문명 : Corn silk maysin induces apoptotic cell death in PC-3 prostate cancer cells via mitochondria-dependent pathway. 2014
8676 T-17-1448 저자명 : Muggeridge DJ, Howe CC, Spendiff O, Pedlar C, James PE, Easton C. 논문명 : A single dose of beetroot juice enhances cycling performance in simulated altitude. 2014
8675 T-17-1445 저자명 : Hoon MW, Jones AM, Johnson NA, Blackwell JR, Broad EM, Lundy B, Rice AJ, Burke LM. 논문명 : The effect of variable doses of inorganic nitrate-rich beetroot juice on simulated 2,000-m rowing performance in trained athletes. 2014