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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8674 T-17-1442 저자명 : Thompson KG, Turner L, Prichard J, Dodd F, Kennedy DO, Haskell C, Blackwell JR, Jones AM. 논문명 : Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological and cognitive responses to incremental cycle exercise. 2014
8673 T-17-1440 저자명 : Bond V Jr, Curry BH, Adams RG, Millis RM, Haddad GE. 논문명 : Cardiorespiratory function associated with dietary nitrate supplementation. 2014
8672 T-17-1439 저자명 : Larsen FJ, Schiffer TA, Ekblom B, Mattsson MP, Checa A, Wheelock CE, Nystr철m T, Lundberg JO, Weitzberg E. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate reduces resting metabolic rate: a randomized, crossover study in humans. 2014
8671 T-17-1436 저자명 : Hobbs DA, George TW, Lovegrove JA. 논문명 : Differential effect of beetroot bread on postprandial DBP according to Glu298Asp polymorphism in the eNOS gene: a pilot study. 2014
8670 T-17-1435 저자명 : Haider G, Folland JP. 논문명 : Nitrate supplementation enhances the contractile properties of human skeletal muscle. 2014
8669 T-17-1434 저자명 : Ferguson SK, Hirai DM, Copp SW, Holdsworth CT, Allen JD, Jones AM, Musch TI, Poole DC. 논문명 : Dose dependent effects of nitrate supplementation on cardiovascular control and microvascular oxygenation dynamics in healthy rats. 2014
8668 T-17-1433 저자명 : Boorsma RK, Whitfield J, Spriet LL. 논문명 : Beetroot juice supplementation does not improve performance of elite 1500-m runners. 2014
8667 T-17-1432 저자명 : Ormsbee MJ, Bach CW, Baur DA. 논문명 : Pre-exercise nutrition: the role of macronutrients, modified starches and supplements on metabolism and endurance performance. 2014
8666 T-17-1431 저자명 : Jones AM. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate supplementation and exercise performance. 2014
8665 T-17-1430 저자명 : Kazimierczak R, Hallmann E, Lipowski J, Drela N, Kowalik A, P체ssa T, Matt D, Luik A, Gozdowski D, Rembia흢kowska E. 논문명 : Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) and naturally fermented beetroot juices from organic and conventional production: metabolomics, antioxidant levels and anticancer activity. 2014