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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11504 T-18-0420 저자명 : Filannino P, Cavoski I, Thlien N, Vincentini O, De Angelis M, Silano M, Gobbetti M, Di Cagno R. 논문명 : Lactic Acid Fermentation of Cactus Cladodes (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) Generates Flavonoid Derivatives with Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. 2016
11503 T-18-0419 저자명 : Zhang YJ, Wang F, Zhou Y, Li Y, Zhou T, Zheng J, Zhang JJ, Li S, Xu DP, Li HB. 논문명 : Effects of 20 Selected Fruits on Ethanol Metabolism: Potential Health Benefits and Harmful Impacts. 2016
11502 T-18-0417 저자명 : Castro C, Menna-Barreto RF, Fernandes Nde S, Saboia-Vahia L, Dias-Lopes G, Britto C, Cuervo P, DE Jesus JB. 논문명 : Iron-modulated pseudocyst formation in Tritrichomonas foetus. 2016
11501 T-18-0416 저자명 : Gupta SK, Behera K, Pradhan CR, Mandal AK, Sethy K, Behera D, Shinde KP. 논문명 : Studies of the macroscopic and microscopic morphology (hippocampus) of brain in Vencobb broiler. 2016
11500 T-18-0415 저자명 : Gharaibeh KA, Turner ST, Hamadah AM, Chapman AB, Cooper-Dehoff RM, Johnson JA, Gums JG, Bailey KR, Schwartz GL. 논문명 : Comparison of Blood Pressure Control Rates Among Recommended Drug Selection Strategies for Initial Therapy of Hypertension. 2016
11499 T-18-0414 저자명 : Kleczy흦ski P, Petkow Dimitrow P, Dziewierz A, Surdacki A, Dudek D. 논문명 : Decreased carotid and vertebral arterial blood-flow velocity in response to orthostatic unload in patients with severe aortic stenosis. 2016
11498 T-18-0413 저자명 : Poovitha S, Parani M. 논문명 : In vitro and in vivo 慣-amylase and 慣-glucosidase inhibiting activities of the protein extracts from two varieties of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.). 2016
11497 T-18-0412 저자명 : Avci D, Kelleci M. 논문명 : Alexithymia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the role of anxiety, depression, and glycemic control. 2016
11496 T-18-0410 저자명 : Tang J, Lin J, Li H, Li X, Yang Q, Cheng ZM, Chang Y. 논문명 : Characterization of CIPK Family in Asian Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) and Co-expression Analysis Related to Salt and Osmotic Stress Responses. 2016
11495 T-18-0409 저자명 : Diego JL, Bidikov L, Pedler MG, Kennedy JB, Quiroz-Mercado H, Gregory DG, Petrash JM, McCourt EA. 논문명 : Effect of human milk as a treatment for dry eye syndrome in a mouse model. 2016