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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11554 T-18-0471 저자명 : Luettig J, Rosenthal R, Lee IM, Krug SM, Schulzke JD. 논문명 : The ginger component 6-shogaol prevents TNF-慣-induced barrier loss via inhibition of PI3K/Akt and NF-觀B signaling. 2016
11553 T-18-0470 저자명 : Biswas S, Maji C, Sarkar PK, Sarkar S, Chattopadhyay A, Mandal TK. 논문명 : Ameliorative effect of two Ayurvedic herbs on experimentally induced arsenic toxicity in calves. 2016
11552 T-18-0469 저자명 : Salihu M, Ajayi BO, Adedara IA, de Souza D, Rocha JB, Farombi EO. 논문명 : 6-Gingerol-rich fraction from Zingiber officinale ameliorates carbendazim-induced endocrine disruption and toxicity in testes and epididymis of rats. 2016
11551 T-18-0468 저자명 : Amri M, Touil-Boukoffa C. 논문명 : In혻vitro anti-hydatic and immunomodulatory effects of ginger and [6]-gingerol. 2016
11550 T-18-0467 저자명 : Sukumaran V, Park SC, Giri SS. 논문명 : Role of dietary ginger Zingiber officinale in improving growth performances and immune functions of Labeo rohita fingerlings. 2016
11549 T-18-0466 저자명 : Ruangsuriya J, Budprom P, Viriyakhasem N, Kongdang P, Chokchaitaweesuk C, Sirikaew N, Chomdej S, Nganvongpanit K, Ongchai S. 논문명 : Suppression of Cartilage Degradation by Zingerone Involving the p38 and JNK MAPK Signaling Pathway. 2016
11548 T-18-0465 저자명 : Eren D, Betul YM. 논문명 : Revealing the effect of 6-gingerol, 6-shogaol and curcumin on mPGES-1, GSK-3棺 and 棺-catenin pathway in A549 cell line. 2016
11547 T-18-0463 저자명 : Dietz BM, Hajirahimkhan A, Dunlap TL, Bolton JL. 논문명 : Botanicals and Their Bioactive Phytochemicals for Women's Health. 2016
11546 T-18-0462 저자명 : McParlin C, O'Donnell A, Robson SC, Beyer F, Moloney E, Bryant A, Bradley J, Muirhead CR, Nelson-Piercy C, Newbury-Birch D, Norman J, Shaw C, Simpson E, Swallow B, Yates L, Vale L. 논문명 : Treatments for Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. 2016
11545 T-18-0461 저자명 : Shirpoor A, Rezaei F, Fard AA, Afshari AT, Gharalari FH, Rasmi Y. 논문명 : Ginger extract protects rat's kidneys against oxidative damage after chronic ethanol administration. 2016