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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11564 T-18-0482 저자명 : Matsumura S, Murata K, Yoshioka Y, Matsuda H. 논문명 : Search for 棺-Secretase Inhibitors from Natural Spices. 2016
11563 T-18-0481 저자명 : Saleem MN, Idris M. 논문명 : Formulation Design and Development of a Unani Transdermal Patch for Antiemetic Therapy and Its Pharmaceutical Evaluation. 2016
11562 T-18-0479 저자명 : Ramachandran C, Portalatin GM, Prado AM, Quirin KW, Escalon E, Melnick SJ. 논문명 : In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Supercritical CO2 Extract of Mango Ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb) in U-87MG Human Glioblastoma Nude Mice Xenografts. 2016
11561 T-18-0478 저자명 : Lee Y. 논문명 : Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Essential Oil and its Component from Zingiber officinale Roscoe. 2016
11560 T-18-0477 저자명 : Toda K, Hitoe S, Takeda S, Shimoda H. 논문명 : Black ginger extract increases physical fitness performance and muscular endurance by improving inflammation and energy metabolism. 2016
11559 T-18-0476 저자명 : Wang S, Sun X, Jiang L, Liu X, Chen M, Yao X, Sun Q, Yang G. 논문명 : 6-Gingerol induces autophagy to protect HUVECs survival from apoptosis. 2016
11558 T-18-0475 저자명 : Han Y, Li Y, Wang Y, Gao J, Xia L, Hong Y. 논문명 : Comparison of fresh, dried and stir-frying gingers in decoction with blood stasis syndrome in rats based on a GC-TOF/MS metabolomics approach. 2016
11557 T-18-0474 저자명 : Tzeng TF, Liou SS, Tzeng YC, Liu IM. 논문명 : Zerumbone, a Phytochemical of Subtropical Ginger, Protects against Hyperglycemia-Induced Retinal Damage in Experimental Diabetic Rats. 2016
11556 T-18-0473 저자명 : Annamalai G, Kathiresan S, Kannappan N. 논문명 : [6]-Shogaol, a dietary phenolic compound, induces oxidative stress mediated mitochondrial dependant apoptosis through activation of proapoptotic factors in Hep-2 cells. 2016
11555 T-18-0472 저자명 : Ugwuja EI, Erejuwa OO, Ugwu NC. 논문명 : Spices Mixture Containing Garlic, Ginger and Nutmeg Has Protective Effects on the Kidneys and Liver of Cadmium Exposed Rats. 2016