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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11494 T-18-0408 저자명 : Chiang MY, Wang Q, Gormley AC, Stein SJ, Xu L, Shestova O, Aster JC, Pear WS. 논문명 : High selective pressure for Notch1 mutations that induce Myc in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 2016
11493 T-18-0407 저자명 : Zou P. 논문명 : Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Hypertension Control: A Narrative Review of Chinese Literature. 2016
11492 T-18-0406 저자명 : 횁guila-Clares B, Castiblanco LF, Quesada JM, Penyalver R, Carbonell J, L처pez MM, Marco-Noales E, Sundin GW. 논문명 : Transcriptional response of Erwinia amylovora upon copper shock: In vivo role of the copA gene. 2016
11491 T-18-0405 저자명 : Costa de Miranda R, Paiva ES, Suter Correia Cadena SM, Brandt AP, Vilela RM. 논문명 : Polyphenol-Rich Foods Alleviate Pain and Ameliorate Quality of Life in Fibromyalgic Women. 2016
11490 T-18-0404 저자명 : Aster JC, Pear WS, Blacklow SC. 논문명 : The Varied Roles of Notch in Cancer. 2016
11489 T-18-0403 저자명 : Rodriguez-Casado A. 논문명 : The Health Potential of Fruits and Vegetables Phytochemicals: Notable Examples. 2016
11488 T-18-0402 저자명 : Balaji P, Satheeshkumar PK, Venkataraman K, Vijayalakshmi MA. 논문명 : Expression of anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF慣) single-chain variable fragment (scFv) in Spirodela punctata plants transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. 2016
11487 T-18-0401 저자명 : Ansar S, Iqbal M. 논문명 : Amelioration of ferric nitrilotriacetate-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats by diallylsulfide. 2016
11486 T-18-0400 저자명 : Chiavarini M, Minelli L, Fabiani R. 논문명 : Garlic consumption and colorectal cancer risk in man: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2016
11485 T-18-0399 저자명 : Yun HM, Jin P, Park KR, Hwang J, Jeong HS, Kim EC, Jung JK, Oh KW, Hwang BY, Han SB, Hong JT. 논문명 : Thiacremonone Potentiates Anti-Oxidant Effects to Improve Memory Dysfunction in an APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice Model. 2016