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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1864 T-17-0435 저자명 : Yeh CT, Yen GC. 논문명 : Effect of vegetables on human phenolsulfotransferases in relation to their antioxidant activity and total phenolics. 2005
1863 T-17-0434 저자명 : Traka M, Gasper AV, Smith JA, Hawkey CJ, Bao Y, Mithen RF. 논문명 : Transcriptome analysis of human colon Caco-2 cells exposed to sulforaphane. 2005
1862 T-17-0433 저자명 : Aggarwal BB, Ichikawa H. 논문명 : Molecular targets and anticancer potential of indole-3-carbinol and its derivatives. 2005
1861 T-17-0432 저자명 : Opekun AR, Yeh CW, Opekun JL, Graham DY. 논문명 : In vivo tests of natural therapy, Tibetan yogurt or fresh broccoli, for Helicobacter pylori infection. 2005
1860 T-17-0431 저자명 : Eberhardt MV, Kobira K, Keck AS, Juvik JA, Jeffery EH. 논문명 : Correlation analyses of phytochemical composition, chemical, and cellular measures of antioxidant activity of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Var. italica). 2005
1859 T-17-0430 저자명 : Cho SD, Li G, Hu H, Jiang C, Kang KS, Lee YS, Kim SH, Lu J. 논문명 : Involvement of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in G2/M arrest and caspase-mediated apoptosis induced by sulforaphane in DU145 prostate cancer cells. 2005
1858 T-17-0261 저자명 : Yim D, Singh RP, Agarwal C, Lee S, Chi H, Agarwal R. 논문명 : A novel anticancer agent, decursin, induces G1 arrest and apoptosis in human prostate carcinoma cells. 2005
1857 T-17-0245 저자명 : Wang WN, Yang XB, Liu HZ, Huang ZM, Wu GX. 논문명 : Effect of Oenanthe javanica flavone on human and duck hepatitis B virus infection. 2005
1856 T-17-0223 저자명 : Oh SH, Sok DE, Kim MR. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of butterbur and rough aster against kainic Acid-induced oxidative stress in mice. 2005
1855 T-17-0198 저자명 : Ou HT, Shieh CJ, Chen JY, Chang HM. 논문명 : The antiproliferative and differentiating effects of human leukemic U937 cells are mediated by cytokines from activated mononuclear cells by dietary mushrooms. 2005