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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1894 T-17-1682 저자명 : Simoniene G, Jurkstiene V, Jankauskiene K, Gailys V, Kevelaitis E, Venskutonis PR. 논문명 : [The influence of common perilla (Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) on non-specific cell-mediated immunity--phagocytosis activity]. 2005
1893 T-17-1611 저자명 : Toda S. 논문명 : Antioxidative effects of polyphenols in leaves of Houttuynia cordata on protein fragmentation by copper-hydrogen peroxide in vitro. 2005
1892 T-17-1553 저자명 : Kim HW, Murakami A, Abe M, Ozawa Y, Morimitsu Y, Williams MV, Ohigashi H. 논문명 : Suppressive effects of mioga ginger and ginger constituents on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation, and the expression of inducible pro-inflammatory genes in macrophages. 2005
1891 T-17-1546 저자명 : Valentov찼 K, Sersen F, Ulrichov찼 J. 논문명 : Radical scavenging and anti-lipoperoxidative activities of Smallanthus sonchifolius leaf extracts. 2005
1890 T-17-1319 저자명 : Ji YB, Ji CF, Zou X, Gao SY. 논문명 : [Study on the effects of two kinds of cactus polysaccharide on erythrocyte immune function of S180 mice]. 2005
1889 T-17-1318 저자명 : Li CY, Cheng XS, Cui MZ, Yan YG. 논문명 : [Regulative effect of Opuntia powder on blood lipids in rats and its mechanism]. 2005
1888 T-17-1316 저자명 : Saleem R, Ahmad M, Azmat A, Ahmad SI, Faizi Z, Abidi L, Faizi S. 논문명 : Hypotensive activity, toxicology and histopathology of opuntioside-I and methanolic extract of Opuntia dillenii. 2005
1887 T-17-1315 저자명 : Galati EM, Mondello MR, Lauriano ER, Taviano MF, Galluzzo M, Miceli N. 논문명 : Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. fruit juice protects liver from carbon tetrachloride-induced injury. 2005
1886 T-17-1314 저자명 : Turbyville TJ, Wijeratne EM, Whitesell L, Gunatilaka AA. 논문명 : The anticancer activity of the fungal metabolite terrecyclic acid A is associated with modulation of multiple cellular stress response pathways. 2005
1885 T-17-1179 저자명 : Chang WC, Yu YM, Wu CH, Tseng YH, Wu KY. 논문명 : Reduction of oxidative stress and atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic rabbits by Dioscorea rhizome. 2005