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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1874 T-17-0819 저자명 : G체l챌in I, Berashvili D, Gepdiremen A. 논문명 : Antiradical and antioxidant activity of total anthocyanins from Perilla pankinensis decne. 2005
1873 T-17-0818 저자명 : Inoue K, Takano H, Shiga A, Fujita Y, Makino H, Yanagisawa R, Ichinose T, Kato Y, Yamada T, Yoshikawa T. 논문명 : Effects of volatile constituents of a rosemary extract on allergic airway inflammation related to house dust mite allergen in mice. 2005
1872 T-17-0817 저자명 : Qiao S, Li W, Tsubouchi R, Haneda M, Murakami K, Takeuchi F, Nisimoto Y, Yoshino M. 논문명 : Rosmarinic acid inhibits the formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in RAW264.7 macrophages. 2005
1871 T-17-0816 저자명 : Kim DS, Kim HR, Woo ER, Hong ST, Chae HJ, Chae SW. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of rosmarinic acid on adriamycin-induced apoptosis in H9c2 cardiac muscle cells by inhibiting reactive oxygen species and the activations of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase. 2005
1870 T-17-0815 저자명 : Simoniene G, Jurkstiene V, Jankauskiene K, Gailys V, Kevelaitis E, Venskutonis PR. 논문명 : [The influence of common perilla (Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) on non-specific cell-mediated immunity--phagocytosis activity]. 2005
1869 T-17-0633 저자명 : Wang DH. 논문명 : The vanilloid receptor and hypertension. 2005
1868 T-17-0632 저자명 : Misra MN, Pullani AJ, Mohamed ZU. 논문명 : Prevention of PONV by acustimulation with capsicum plaster is comparable to ondansetron after middle ear surgery. 2005
1867 T-17-0631 저자명 : Ozer A, Erdost H, Zik B. 논문명 : Histological investigations on the effects of feeding a diet containing red hot pepper on the reproductive organs of the chicken. 2005
1866 T-17-0437 저자명 : Choi S, Singh SV. 논문명 : Bax and Bak are required for apoptosis induction by sulforaphane, a cruciferous vegetable-derived cancer chemopreventive agent. 2005
1865 T-17-0436 저자명 : Singh SV, Srivastava SK, Choi S, Lew KL, Antosiewicz J, Xiao D, Zeng Y, Watkins SC, Johnson CS, Trump DL, Lee YJ, Xiao H, Herman-Antosiewicz A. 논문명 : Sulforaphane-induced cell death in human prostate cancer cells is initiated by reactive oxygen species. 2005