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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1914 T-17-2313 저자명 : Son YO, Lee KY, Lee JC, Jang HS, Kim JG, Jeon YM, Jang YS. 논문명 : Selective antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of flavonoids purified from Rhus verniciflua Stokes on normal versus transformed hepatic cell lines. 2005
1913 T-17-2312 저자명 : Ko JH, Lee SJ, Lim KT. 논문명 : 36 kDa glycoprotein isolated from Rhus verniciflua Stokes fruit has a protective activity to glucose/glucose oxidase-induced apoptosis in NIH/3T3 cells. 2005
1912 T-17-2311 저자명 : Jang HS, Kook SH, Son YO, Kim JG, Jeon YM, Jang YS, Choi KC, Kim J, Han SK, Lee KY, Park BK, Cho NP, Lee JC. 논문명 : Flavonoids purified from Rhus verniciflua Stokes actively inhibit cell growth and induce apoptosis in human osteosarcoma cells. 2005
1911 T-17-2310 저자명 : Lee SJ, Oh PS, Lim K, Lim KT. 논문명 : 36 kDa glycoprotein isolated from Rhus verniciflua stokes inhibits G/GO-induced mitochondrial apoptotic signal pathways in BNL CL.2 cells. 2005
1910 T-17-2183 저자명 : Kang SM, Jung HY, Kang YM, Min JY, Karigar CS, Yang JK, Kim SW, Ha YR, Lee SH, Choi MS. 논문명 : Biotransformation and impact of ferulic acid on phenylpropanoid and capsaicin levels in Capsicum annuum L. cv. P1482 cell suspension cultures. 2005
1909 T-17-2182 저자명 : Calixto JB, Kassuya CA, Andr챕 E, Ferreira J. 논문명 : Contribution of natural products to the discovery of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels family and their functions. 2005
1908 T-17-2181 저자명 : Zheng HZ, Cui CL, Zhang YT, Wang D, Jing Y, Kim KY. 논문명 : Active changes of lignification-related enzymes in pepper response to Glomus intraradices and/or Phytophthora capsici. 2005
1907 T-17-2180 저자명 : Grandbastien MA, Audeon C, Bonnivard E, Casacuberta JM, Chalhoub B, Costa AP, Le QH, Melayah D, Petit M, Poncet C, Tam SM, Van Sluys MA, Mhiri C. 논문명 : Stress activation and genomic impact of Tnt1 retrotransposons in Solanaceae. 2005
1906 T-17-2179 저자명 : Ozer A, Erdost H, Zik B. 논문명 : Histological investigations on the effects of feeding a diet containing red hot pepper on the reproductive organs of the chicken. 2005
1905 T-17-2176 저자명 : Hwang EW, Kim KA, Park SC, Jeong MJ, Byun MO, Kwon HB. 논문명 : Expression profiles of hot pepper (Capsicum annum) genes under cold stress conditions. 2005