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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1994 T-17-4927 저자명 : Andres-Lacueva C, Shukitt-Hale B, Galli RL, Jauregui O, Lamuela-Raventos RM, Joseph JA. 논문명 : Anthocyanins in aged blueberry-fed rats are found centrally and may enhance memory. 2005
1993 T-17-4926 저자명 : Ramirez MR, Izquierdo I, do Carmo Bassols Raseira M, Zuanazzi JA, Barros D, Henriques AT. 논문명 : Effect of lyophilised Vaccinium berries on memory, anxiety and locomotion in adult rats. 2005
1992 T-17-4924 저자명 : Yi W, Fischer J, Krewer G, Akoh CC. 논문명 : Phenolic compounds from blueberries can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. 2005
1991 T-17-4923 저자명 : Lau FC, Shukitt-Hale B, Joseph JA. 논문명 : The beneficial effects of fruit polyphenols on brain aging. 2005
1990 T-17-4922 저자명 : Matchett MD, MacKinnon SL, Sweeney MI, Gottschall-Pass KT, Hurta RA. 논문명 : Blueberry flavonoids inhibit matrix metalloproteinase activity in DU145 human prostate cancer cells. 2005
1989 T-17-4921 저자명 : McAnulty SR, McAnulty LS, Morrow JD, Khardouni D, Shooter L, Monk J, Gross S, Brown V. 논문명 : Effect of daily fruit ingestion on angiotensin converting enzyme activity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress in chronic smokers. 2005
1988 T-17-4624 저자명 : A. Clemente, J. M. Gee, I. T. Johnson, D. A. Mackenzie and C. Domoney 논문명 : Pea (Pisum sativum L.) protease inhibitors from the Bowman-Birk class influence the growth of human colorectal adenocarcinoma HT29 cells in vitro 2005
1987 T-17-4576 저자명 : Bisognano JD, McGrody KS, Spence AM. 논문명 : Myocarditis from the Chinese sumac tree. 2005
1986 T-17-4558 저자명 : Oh SH, Sok DE, Kim MR. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of butterbur and rough aster against kainic Acid-induced oxidative stress in mice. 2005
1985 T-17-4547 저자명 : Park SH, Ko SK, Chung SH. 논문명 : Euonymus alatus prevents the hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia induced by high-fat diet in ICR mice. 2005