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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1944 T-17-3438 저자명 : Lu B, Wu X, Tie X, Zhang Y, Zhang Y. 논문명 : Toxicology and safety of anti-oxidant of bamboo leaves. Part 1: Acute and subchronic toxicity studies on anti-oxidant of bamboo leaves. 2005
1943 T-17-3339 저자명 : Kang SY, Lee KY, Koo KA, Yoon JS, Lim SW, Kim YC, Sung SH. 논문명 : ESP-102, a standardized combined extract of Angelica gigas, Saururus chinensis and Schizandra chinensis, significantly improved scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice. 2005
1942 T-17-3338 저자명 : Li Y, Xu C, Zhang Q, Liu JY, Tan RX. 논문명 : In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori action of 30 Chinese herbal medicines used to treat ulcer diseases. 2005
1941 T-17-3337 저자명 : Chang GT, Kang SK, Kim JH, Chung KH, Chang YC, Kim CH. 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of the Korean herbal medicine, Dae-Jo-Whan, on platelet-activating factor-induced platelet aggregation. 2005
1940 T-17-3336 저자명 : Chan AS, Yip EC, Yung LY, Pang H, Luk SC, Pang SF, Wong YH. 논문명 : Immuno-regulatory effects of CKBM on the activities of mitogen-activated protein kinases and the release of cytokines in THP-1 monocytic cells. 2005
1939 T-17-3138 저자명 : Wattanapitayakul SK, Chularojmontri L, Herunsalee A, Charuchongkolwongse S, Niumsakul S, Bauer JA. 논문명 : Screening of antioxidants from medicinal plants for cardioprotective effect against doxorubicin toxicity. 2005
1938 T-17-3137 저자명 : Enkhmaa B, Shiwaku K, Katsube T, Kitajima K, Anuurad E, Yamasaki M, Yamane Y. 논문명 : Mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves and their major flavonol quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside) attenuate atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor-deficient mice. 2005
1937 T-17-3025 저자명 : Singh NP, Lai HC. 논문명 : Synergistic cytotoxicity of artemisinin and sodium butyrate on human cancer cells. 2005
1936 T-17-2939 저자명 : Kang SY, Lee KY, Koo KA, Yoon JS, Lim SW, Kim YC, Sung SH. 논문명 : ESP-102, a standardized combined extract of Angelica gigas, Saururus chinensis and Schizandra chinensis, significantly improved scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice. 2005
1935 T-17-2938 저자명 : Kwon OE, Lee HS, Lee SW, Chung MY, Bae KH, Rho MC, Kim YK. 논문명 : Manassantin A and B isolated from Saururus chinensis inhibit TNF-alpha-induced cell adhesion molecule expression of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. 2005