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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2764 T-14-0751 저자명 : Asselbergh B, Curvers K, Franca SC, Audenaert K, Vuylsteke M, Van Breusegem F, H철fte M. 논문명 : Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in sitiens, an abscisic acid-deficient tomato mutant, involves timely production of hydrogen peroxide and cell wall modifications in the epidermis. 2007
2763 T-14-0750 저자명 : Silaste ML, Alfthan G, Aro A, Kes채niemi YA, H철rkk철 S. 논문명 : Tomato juice decreases LDL cholesterol levels and increases LDL resistance to oxidation. 2007
2762 T-14-0749 저자명 : Shen YC, Chen SL, Wang CK. 논문명 : Contribution of tomato phenolics to antioxidation and down-regulation of blood lipids. 2007
2761 T-14-0747 저자명 : Cervilla LM, Blasco B, R챠os JJ, Romero L, Ruiz JM. 논문명 : Oxidative stress and antioxidants in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants subjected to boron toxicity. 2007
2760 T-14-0746 저자명 : Blum A, Monir M, Khazim K, Peleg A, Blum N. 논문명 : Tomato-rich (Mediterranean) diet does not modify inflammatory markers. 2007
2759 T-14-0745 저자명 : De Stefano D, Tommonaro G, Simeon V, Poli A, Nicolaus B, Carnuccio R. 논문명 : A Polysaccharide from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) peels affects NF-kappaB activation in LPS-stimulated J774 macrophages. 2007
2758 T-14-0744 저자명 : Li C, Bonnema G, Che D, Dong L, Lindhout P, Visser R, Bai Y. 논문명 : Biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in monogenic resistance responses to tomato powdery mildew. 2007
2757 T-14-0743 저자명 : Gitenay D, Lyan B, Talvas J, Mazur A, Georg챕 S, Caris-Veyrat C, Rock E. 논문명 : Serum from rats fed red or yellow tomatoes induces Connexin43 expression independently from lycopene in a prostate cancer cell line. 2007
2756 T-14-0742 저자명 : Kim HJ, Fonseca JM, Kubota C, Choi JH. 논문명 : Effect of hydrogen peroxide on quality of fresh-cut tomato. 2007
2755 T-14-0741 저자명 : Bose KS, Agrawal BK. 논문명 : Effect of lycopene from tomatoes (cooked) on plasma antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation rate and lipid profile in grade-I hypertension. 2007