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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2794 T-14-1141 저자명 : Oladiji AT, Jacob TO, Yakubu MT. 논문명 : Anti-anaemic potentials of aqueous extract of Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench stem bark in rats. 2007
2793 T-14-1075 저자명 : Choi JM, Lee EO, Lee HJ, Kim KH, Ahn KS, Shim BS, Kim NI, Song MC, Baek NI, Kim SH. 논문명 : Identification of campesterol from Chrysanthemum coronarium L. and its antiangiogenic activities. 2007
2792 T-14-1057 저자명 : Huang GJ, Sheu MJ, Chen HJ, Chang YS, Lin YH. 논문명 : Growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis in NB4 promyelocytic leukemia cells by trypsin inhibitor from sweet potato storage roots. 2007
2791 T-14-1046 저자명 : Inagaki S, Morimura S, Gondo K, Tang Y, Akutagawa H, Kida K. 논문명 : Isolation of tryptophol as an apoptosis-inducing component of vinegar produced from boiled extract of black soybean in human monoblastic leukemia U937 cells. 2007
2790 T-14-1045 저자명 : Kwon SH, Ahn IS, Kim SO, Kong CS, Chung HY, Do MS, Park KY. 논문명 : Anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects of black soybean anthocyanins. 2007
2789 T-14-0953 저자명 : Barth SW, Faehndrich C, Bub A, Watzl B, Will F, Dietrich H, Rechkemmer G, Briviba K. 논문명 : Cloudy apple juice is more effective than apple polyphenols and an apple juice derived cloud fraction in a rat model of colon carcinogenesis. 2007
2788 T-14-0952 저자명 : McCann MJ, Gill CI, O' Brien G, Rao JR, McRoberts WC, Hughes P, McEntee R, Rowland IR. 논문명 : Anti-cancer properties of phenolics from apple waste on colon carcinogenesis in vitro. 2007
2787 T-14-0951 저자명 : Yoon H, Liu RH. 논문명 : Effect of selected phytochemicals and apple extracts on NF-kappaB activation in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. 2007
2786 T-14-0950 저자명 : Veeriah S, Hofmann T, Glei M, Dietrich H, Will F, Schreier P, Knaup B, Pool-Zobel BL. 논문명 : Apple polyphenols and products formed in the gut differently inhibit survival of human cell lines derived from colon adenoma (LT97) and carcinoma (HT29). 2007
2785 T-14-0949 저자명 : Maffei F, Tarozzi A, Carbone F, Marchesi A, Hrelia S, Angeloni C, Forti GC, Hrelia P. 논문명 : Relevance of apple consumption for protection against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide in human lymphocytes. 2007