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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2784 T-14-0948 저자명 : Fridrich D, Kern M, Pahlke G, Volz N, Will F, Dietrich H, Marko D. 논문명 : Apple polyphenols diminish the phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor in HT29 colon carcinoma cells. 2007
2783 T-14-0947 저자명 : deGraft-Johnson J, Kolodziejczyk K, Krol M, Nowak P, Krol B, Nowak D. 논문명 : Ferric-reducing ability power of selected plant polyphenols and their metabolites: implications for clinical studies on the antioxidant effects of fruits and vegetable consumption. 2007
2782 T-14-0946 저자명 : Graff JC, Jutila MA. 논문명 : Differential regulation of CD11b on gammadelta T cells and monocytes in response to unripe apple polyphenols. 2007
2781 T-14-0945 저자명 : Briviba K, Stracke BA, R체fer CE, Watzl B, Weibel FP, Bub A. 논문명 : Effect of consumption of organically and conventionally produced apples on antioxidant activity and DNA damage in humans. 2007
2780 T-14-0943 저자명 : Avci A, Atli T, Erg체der IB, Varli M, Devrim E, Turgay SA, Durak I. 논문명 : Effects of apple consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects. 2007
2779 T-14-0942 저자명 : Nagasako-Akazome Y, Kanda T, Ohtake Y, Shimasaki H, Kobayashi T. 논문명 : Apple polyphenols influence cholesterol metabolism in healthy subjects with relatively high body mass index. 2007
2778 T-14-0941 저자명 : Kahle K, Huemmer W, Kempf M, Scheppach W, Erk T, Richling E. 논문명 : Polyphenols are intensively metabolized in the human gastrointestinal tract after apple juice consumption. 2007
2777 T-14-0846 저자명 : Mandimika T, Baykus H, Vissers Y, Jeurink P, Poortman J, Garza C, Kuiper H, Peijnenburg A. 논문명 : Differential gene expression in intestinal epithelial cells induced by single and mixtures of potato glycoalkaloids. 2007
2776 T-14-0819 저자명 : Lee YR, Kim CE, Kang MY, Nam SH. 논문명 : Cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant status-improving efficacy of germinated giant embryonic rice (Oryza sativa L.) in high cholesterol-fed rats. 2007
2775 T-14-0809 저자명 : Yakimova ET, Kapchina-Toteva VM, Woltering EJ. 논문명 : Signal transduction events in aluminum-induced cell death in tomato suspension cells. 2007