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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4874 T-17-1491 저자명 : Larsen FJ, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO, Ekblom B. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate reduces maximal oxygen consumption while maintaining work performance in maximal exercise. 2010
4873 T-17-1490 저자명 : Lechner JF, Wang LS, Rocha CM, Larue B, Henry C, McIntyre CM, Riedl KM, Schwartz SJ, Stoner GD. 논문명 : Drinking water with red beetroot food color antagonizes esophageal carcinogenesis in N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine-treated rats. 2010
4872 T-17-1489 저자명 : Kapil V, Milsom AB, Okorie M, Maleki-Toyserkani S, Akram F, Rehman F, Arghandawi S, Pearl V, Benjamin N, Loukogeorgakis S, Macallister R, Hobbs AJ, Webb AJ, Ahluwalia A. 논문명 : Inorganic nitrate supplementation lowers blood pressure in humans: role for nitrite-derived NO. 2010
4871 T-17-1488 저자명 : Vanhatalo A, Bailey SJ, Blackwell JR, DiMenna FJ, Pavey TG, Wilkerson DP, Benjamin N, Winyard PG, Jones AM. 논문명 : Acute and chronic effects of dietary nitrate supplementation on blood pressure and the physiological responses to moderate-intensity and incremental exercise. 2010
4870 T-17-1486 저자명 : Shyamala BN Jr, Jamuna P. 논문명 : Nutritional Content and Antioxidant Properties of Pulp Waste from Daucus carota and Beta vulgaris. 2010
4869 T-17-1303 저자명 : Bisson JF, Daubi챕 S, Hidalgo S, Guillemet D, Linar챕s E. 논문명 : Diuretic and antioxidant effects of Cacti-Nea, a dehydrated water extract from prickly pear fruit, in rats. 2010
4868 T-17-1302 저자명 : Park SH, Sim YB, Han PL, Lee JK, Suh HW. 논문명 : Antidepressant-like Effect of Kaempferol and Quercitirin, Isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. 2010
4867 T-17-1301 저자명 : Godard MP, Ewing BA, Pischel I, Ziegler A, Benedek B, Feistel B. 논문명 : Acute blood glucose lowering effects and long-term safety of OpunDia supplementation in pre-diabetic males and females. 2010
4866 T-17-1300 저자명 : Alimi H, Hfaiedh N, Bouoni Z, Hfaiedh M, Sakly M, Zourgui L, Rhouma KB. 논문명 : Antioxidant and antiulcerogenic activities of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis root extract in rats. 2010
4865 T-17-1298 저자명 : Hahm SW, Park J, Son YS. 논문명 : Opuntia humifusa partitioned extracts inhibit the growth of U87MG human glioblastoma cells. 2010