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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4794 T-17-0380 저자명 : Riso P, Martini D, M첩ller P, Loft S, Bonacina G, Moro M, Porrini M. 논문명 : DNA damage and repair activity after broccoli intake in young healthy smokers. 2010
4793 T-17-0379 저자명 : Okada Y, Okada M, Sagesaka Y. 논문명 : Screening of dried plant seed extracts for adiponectin production activity and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitory activity on 3T3-L1 adipocytes. 2010
4792 T-17-0378 저자명 : Christiansen B, Bellostas Muguerza N, Petersen AM, Kveiborg B, Madsen CR, Thomas H, Ihlemann N, S첩rensen JC, K첩ber L, S첩rensen H, Torp-Pedersen C, Dom챠nguez H. 논문명 : Ingestion of broccoli sprouts does not improve endothelial function in humans with hypertension. 2010
4791 T-17-0374 저자명 : Pradhan SJ, Mishra R, Sharma P, Kundu GC. 논문명 : Quercetin and sulforaphane in combination suppress the progression of melanoma through the down-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9. 2010
4790 T-17-0373 저자명 : Kelsey NA, Wilkins HM, Linseman DA. 논문명 : Nutraceutical antioxidants as novel neuroprotective agents. 2010
4789 T-17-0372 저자명 : Jeong SI, Choi BM, Jang SI. 논문명 : Sulforaphane suppresses TARC/CCL17 and MDC/CCL22 expression through heme oxygenase-1 and NF-觀B in human keratinocytes. 2010
4788 T-17-0257 저자명 : Kim WJ, Lee SJ, Choi YD, Moon SK. 논문명 : Decursin inhibits growth of human bladder and colon cancer cells via apoptosis, G1-phase cell cycle arrest and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. 2010
4787 T-17-0241 저자명 : Ma CJ, Lee KY, Jeong EJ, Kim SH, Park J, Choi YH, Kim YC, Sung SH. 논문명 : Persicarin from water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) protects primary cultured rat cortical cells from glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. 2010
4786 T-17-0221 저자명 : Jeong GS, Li B, Lee DS, Kim KH, Lee IK, Lee KR, Kim YC. 논문명 : Cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of spinasterol via the induction of heme oxygenase-1 in murine hippocampal and microglial cell lines. 2010
4785 T-17-0190 저자명 : Chang HH, Hsieh KY, Yeh CH, Tu YP, Sheu F. 논문명 : Oral administration of an Enoki mushroom protein FVE activates innate and adaptive immunity and induces anti-tumor activity against murine hepatocellular carcinoma. 2010