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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5454 T-14-0410 저자명 : Pillai AK, Sharma KK, Gupta YK, Bakhshi S. 논문명 : Anti-emetic effect of ginger powder versus placebo as an add-on therapy in children and young adults receiving high emetogenic chemotherapy. 2011
5453 T-14-0408 저자명 : Wadikar DD, Premavalli KS. 논문명 : Effect of appetizer administration on plasma leptin level in human volunteers. 2011
5452 T-14-0407 저자명 : Rani MP, Padmakumari KP, Sankarikutty B, Cherian OL, Nisha VM, Raghu KG. 논문명 : Inhibitory potential of ginger extracts against enzymes linked to type 2 diabetes, inflammation and induced oxidative stress. 2011
5451 T-14-0403 저자명 : Nogueira de Melo GA, Grespan R, Fonseca JP, Farinha TO, da Silva EL, Romero AL, Bersani-Amado CA, Cuman RK. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) essential oil on leukocyte migration in vivo and in vitro. 2011
5450 T-14-0397 저자명 : Ramadan G, Al-Kahtani MA, El-Sayed WM. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of Curcuma longa (turmeric) versus Zingiber officinale (ginger) rhizomes in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis. 2011
5449 T-14-0396 저자명 : Maghsoudi S, Gol A, Dabiri S, Javadi A. 논문명 : Preventive effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) pretreatment on renal ischemia-reperfusion in rats. 2011
5448 T-14-0394 저자명 : Shanmugam KR, Mallikarjuna K, Kesireddy N, Sathyavelu Reddy K. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of ginger on anti-oxidant enzymes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2011
5447 T-14-0393 저자명 : Atashak S, Peeri M, Azarbayjani MA, Stannard SR, Haghighi MM. 논문명 : Obesity-related cardiovascular risk factors after long- term resistance training and ginger supplementation. 2011
5446 T-14-0392 저자명 : Wattanathorn J, Jittiwat J, Tongun T, Muchimapura S, Ingkaninan K. 논문명 : Zingiber officinale Mitigates Brain Damage and Improves Memory Impairment in Focal Cerebral Ischemic Rat. 2011
5445 T-14-0391 저자명 : Hu ML, Rayner CK, Wu KL, Chuah SK, Tai WC, Chou YP, Chiu YC, Chiu KW, Hu TH. 논문명 : Effect of ginger on gastric motility and symptoms of functional dyspepsia. 2011