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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5484 T-14-0788 저자명 : Mekkawy IA, Mahmoud UM, Wassif ET, Naguib M. 논문명 : Effects of cadmium on some haematological and biochemical characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) dietary supplemented with tomato paste and vitamin E. 2011
5483 T-14-0786 저자명 : Stangl V, Kuhn C, Hentschel S, Jochmann N, Jacob C, B철hm V, Fr철hlich K, M체ller L, Gericke C, Lorenz M. 논문명 : Lack of effects of tomato products on endothelial function in human subjects: results of a randomised, placebo-controlled cross-over study. 2011
5482 T-14-0785 저자명 : Quilliot D, Forbes A, Dubois F, Gueant JL, Ziegler O. 논문명 : Carotenoid deficiency in chronic pancreatitis: the effect of an increase in tomato consumption. 2011
5481 T-14-0784 저자명 : Guil-Guerrero JL, Ramos-Bueno R, Rodr챠guez-Garc챠a I, L처pez-S찼nchez C. 논문명 : Cytotoxicity screening of several tomato extracts. 2011
5480 T-14-0783 저자명 : Shidfar F, Froghifar N, Vafa M, Rajab A, Hosseini S, Shidfar S, Gohari M. 논문명 : The effects of tomato consumption on serum glucose, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A-I, homocysteine and blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients. 2011
5479 T-14-0782 저자명 : Cavallini C, Trettene M, Degan M, Delva P, Molesini B, Minuz P, Pandolfini T. 논문명 : Anti-angiogenic effects of two cystine-knot miniproteins from tomato fruit. 2011
5478 T-14-0781 저자명 : Kim YI, Hirai S, Takahashi H, Goto T, Ohyane C, Tsugane T, Konishi C, Fujii T, Inai S, Iijima Y, Aoki K, Shibata D, Takahashi N, Kawada T. 논문명 : 9-oxo-10(E),12(E)-Octadecadienoic acid derived from tomato is a potent PPAR α agonist to decrease triglyceride accumulation in mouse primary hepatocytes. 2011
5477 T-14-0780 저자명 : Lee ST, Wong PF, Cheah SC, Mustafa MR. 논문명 : Alpha-tomatine induces apoptosis and inhibits nuclear factor-kappa B activation on human prostatic adenocarcinoma PC-3 cells. 2011
5476 T-14-0777 저자명 : Choi SH, Kim HR, Kim HJ, Lee IS, Kozukue N, Levin CE, Friedman M. 논문명 : Free amino acid and phenolic contents and antioxidative and cancer cell-inhibiting activities of extracts of 11 greenhouse-grown tomato varieties and 13 tomato-based foods. 2011
5475 T-14-0653 저자명 : Okabe T, Toda T, Nukitrangsan N, Inafuku M, Iwasaki H, Oku H. 논문명 : Peucedanum japonicum Thunb inhibits high-fat diet induced obesity in mice. 2011