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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5504 T-14-1029 저자명 : Zou Y, Chang SK. 논문명 : Effect of black soybean extract on the suppression of the proliferation of human AGS gastric cancer cells via the induction of apoptosis. 2011
5503 T-14-1028 저자명 : Kanamoto Y, Yamashita Y, Nanba F, Yoshida T, Tsuda T, Fukuda I, Nakamura-Tsuruta S, Ashida H. 논문명 : A black soybean seed coat extract prevents obesity and glucose intolerance by up-regulating uncoupling proteins and down-regulating inflammatory cytokines in high-fat diet-fed mice. 2011
5502 T-14-1027 저자명 : Xu B, Chang SK. 논문명 : Reduction of antiproliferative capacities, cell-based antioxidant capacities and phytochemical contents of common beans and soybeans upon thermal processing. 2011
5501 T-14-0984 저자명 : Moser B, Szekeres T, Bieglmayer C, Wagner KH, Mi큄챠k M, Kundi M, Zakerska O, Nersesyan A, Kager N, Zahrl J, Hoelzl C, Ehrlich V, Knasmueller S. 논문명 : Impact of spinach consumption on DNA stability in peripheral lymphocytes and on biochemical blood parameters: results of a human intervention trial. 2011
5500 T-14-0969 저자명 : Carvalho CA, Fernandes KM, Matta SL, Silva MB, Oliveira LL, Fonseca CC. 논문명 : Evaluation of antiulcerogenic activity of aqueous extract of Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage) on Wistar rat gastric ulceration. 2011
5499 T-14-0908 저자명 : Kujawska M, Ignatowicz E, Ewertowska M, Markowski J, Jodynis-Liebert J. 논문명 : Cloudy apple juice protects against chemical-induced oxidative stress in rat. 2011
5498 T-14-0904 저자명 : Soyalan B, Minn J, Schmitz HJ, Schrenk D, Will F, Dietrich H, Baum M, Eisenbrand G, Janzowski C. 논문명 : Apple juice intervention modulates expression of ARE-dependent genes in rat colon and liver. 2011
5497 T-14-0899 저자명 : Tapaninen T, Neuvonen PJ, Niemi M. 논문명 : Orange and apple juice greatly reduce the plasma concentrations of the OATP2B1 substrate aliskiren. 2011
5496 T-14-0898 저자명 : Chan A, Ortiz D, Rogers E, Shea TB. 논문명 : Supplementation with apple juice can compensate for folate deficiency in a mouse model deficient in methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase activity. 2011
5495 T-14-0897 저자명 : Poulsen M, Mortensen A, Binderup ML, Langkilde S, Markowski J, Dragsted LO. 논문명 : The effect of apple feeding on markers of colon carcinogenesis. 2011