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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5544 T-14-1295 저자명 : Ding H, Shi J, Wang Y, Guo J, Zhao J, Dong L. 논문명 : Neferine inhibits cultured hepatic stellate cell activation and facilitates apoptosis: A possible molecular mechanism. 2011
5543 T-14-1289 저자명 : Malik ZA, Singh M, Sharma PL. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of Momordica charantia in global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion induced neuronal damage in diabetic mice. 2011
5542 T-14-1286 저자명 : Fuangchan A, Sonthisombat P, Seubnukarn T, Chanouan R, Chotchaisuwat P, Sirigulsatien V, Ingkaninan K, Plianbangchang P, Haines ST. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon compared with metformin in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. 2011
5541 T-14-1285 저자명 : Wang ZQ, Zhang XH, Yu Y, Poulev A, Ribnicky D, Floyd ZE, Cefalu WT. 논문명 : Bioactives from bitter melon enhance insulin signaling and modulate acyl carnitine content in skeletal muscle in high-fat diet-fed mice. 2011
5540 T-14-1284 저자명 : Padmashree A, Sharma GK, Semwal AD, Bawa AS. 논문명 : Studies on the antioxygenic activity of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and its fractions using various in vitro models. 2011
5539 T-14-1282 저자명 : Chao CY, Yin MC, Huang CJ. 논문명 : Wild bitter gourd extract up-regulates mRNA expression of PPARa, PPARr and their target genes in C57BL/6J mice. 2011
5538 T-14-1281 저자명 : Nerurkar PV, Johns LM, Buesa LM, Kipyakwai G, Volper E, Sato R, Shah P, Feher D, Williams PG, Nerurkar VR. 논문명 : Momordica charantia (bitter melon) attenuates high-fat diet-associated oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. 2011
5537 T-14-1280 저자명 : Ching RH, Yeung LO, Tse IM, Sit WH, Li ET. 논문명 : Supplementation of bitter melon to rats fed a high-fructose diet during gestation and lactation ameliorates fructose-induced dyslipidemia and hepatic oxidative stress in male offspring. 2011
5536 T-14-1279 저자명 : Kavitha N, Babu SM, Rao ME. 논문명 : Influence of Momordica charantia on oxidative stress-induced perturbations in brain monoamines and plasma corticosterone in albino rats. 2011
5535 T-14-1277 저자명 : Ru P, Steele R, Nerurkar PV, Phillips N, Ray RB. 논문명 : Bitter melon extract impairs prostate cancer cell-cycle progression and delays prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in TRAMP model. 2011