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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6414 T-14-1260 저자명 : Choudhary SK, Chhabra G, Sharma D, Vashishta A, Ohri S, Dixit A. 논문명 : Comprehensive Evaluation of Anti-hyperglycemic Activity of Fractionated Momordica charantia Seed Extract in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. 2012
6413 T-14-1214 저자명 : Zhang Y, Ma Z, Hu C, Wang L, Li L, Song S. 논문명 : Cytotoxic triterpene saponins from the leaves of Aralia elata. 2012
6412 T-14-1180 저자명 : Cao J, Zhang X, Wang Q, Jia L, Zhang Y, Zhao X. 논문명 : Influence of flavonoid extracts from celery on oxidative stress induced by dichlorvos in rats. 2012
6411 T-14-1177 저자명 : Hostetler G, Riedl K, Cardenas H, Diosa-Toro M, Arango D, Schwartz S, Doseff AI. 논문명 : Flavone deglycosylation increases their anti-inflammatory activity and absorption. 2012
6410 T-14-1159 저자명 : Dogan A, Celik I. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of grapeseeds against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats. 2012
6409 T-14-1155 저자명 : Soares de Moura R, da Costa GF, Moreira AS, Queiroz EF, Moreira DD, Garcia-Souza EP, Resende AC, Moura AS, Teixeira MT. 논문명 : Vitis vinifera L. grape skin extract activates the insulin-signalling cascade and reduces hyperglycaemia in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. 2012
6408 T-14-1154 저자명 : Pirin챌챌io휓lu M, K캇z캇l G, K캇z캇l M, 횜zdemir G, Kanay Z, Ketani MA. 논문명 : Protective effect of ?k?zg?z? (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) grape juice against carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in rats. 2012
6407 T-14-1153 저자명 : Olchowik E, Lotkowski K, Mavlyanov S, Abdullajanova N, Ionov M, Bryszewska M, Zamaraeva M. 논문명 : Stabilization of erythrocytes against oxidative and hypotonic stress by tannins isolated from sumac leaves (Rhus typhina L.) and grape seeds (Vitis vinifera L.). 2012
6406 T-14-1136 저자명 : Li H, Cao D, Yi J, Cao J, Jiang W. 논문명 : Identification of the flavonoids in mungbean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) soup and their antioxidant activities. 2012
6405 T-14-1130 저자명 : JianFeng C, PengYing Z, ChengWei X, TaoTao H, YunGui B, KaoShan C. 논문명 : Effect of aqueous extract of Arctium lappa L. (burdock) roots on the sexual behavior of male rats. 2012