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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6424 T-14-1272 저자명 : Pitchakarn P, Suzuki S, Ogawa K, Pompimon W, Takahashi S, Asamoto M, Limtrakul P, Shirai T. 논문명 : Kuguacin J, a triterpeniod from Momordica charantia leaf, modulates the progression of androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell line, PC3. 2012
6423 T-14-1271 저자명 : Zhang J, Huang Y, Kikuchi T, Tokuda H, Suzuki N, Inafuku K, Miura M, Motohashi S, Suzuki T, Akihisa T. 논문명 : Cucurbitane triterpenoids from the leaves of Momordica charantia, and their cancer chemopreventive effects and cytotoxicities. 2012
6422 T-14-1270 저자명 : Chou YC, Su HM, Lai TW, Chyuan JH, Chao PM. 논문명 : cis-9, trans-11, trans-13-Conjugated linolenic acid induces apoptosis and sustained ERK phosphorylation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. 2012
6421 T-14-1269 저자명 : Fang EF, Zhang CZ, Wong JH, Shen JY, Li CH, Ng TB. 논문명 : The MAP30 protein from bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) seeds promotes apoptosis in liver cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. 2012
6420 T-14-1268 저자명 : Chen PH, Chen GC, Yang MF, Hsieh CH, Chuang SH, Yang HL, Kuo YH, Chyuan JH, Chao PM. 논문명 : Bitter melon seed oil-attenuated body fat accumulation in diet-induced obese mice is associated with cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation and cell death in white adipose tissue. 2012
6419 T-14-1267 저자명 : Cheng HL, Kuo CY, Liao YW, Lin CC. 논문명 : EMCD, a hypoglycemic triterpene isolated from Momordica charantia wild variant, attenuates TNF-a-induced inflammation in FL83B cells in an AMP-activated protein kinase-independent manner. 2012
6418 T-14-1265 저자명 : Ahmad Z, Zamhuri KF, Yaacob A, Siong CH, Selvarajah M, Ismail A, Nazrul Hakim M. 논문명 : In vitro anti-diabetic activities and chemical analysis of polypeptide-k and oil isolated from seeds of Momordica charantia (bitter gourd). 2012
6417 T-14-1264 저자명 : Hsu C, Tsai TH, Li YY, Wu WH, Huang CJ, Tsai PJ. 논문명 : Wild bitter melon (Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser.) extract and its bioactive components suppress Propionibacterium acnes-induced inflammation. 2012
6416 T-14-1263 저자명 : Tabata K, Hamano A, Akihisa T, Suzuki T. 논문명 : Kuguaglycoside C, a constituent of Momordica charantia, induces caspase-independent cell death of neuroblastoma cells. 2012
6415 T-14-1261 저자명 : Li CJ, Tsang SF, Tsai CH, Tsai HY, Chyuan JH, Hsu HY. 논문명 : Momordica charantia Extract Induces Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells through Caspase- and Mitochondria-Dependent Pathways. 2012