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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6464 T-14-1820 저자명 : Uto T, Hou DX, Morinaga O, Shoyama Y. 논문명 : Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Anti-Inflammatory Actions of 6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl Isothiocyanate Derived from Wasabi (Wasabia japonica). 2012
6463 T-14-1604 저자명 : Tsai CH, Chen EC, Tsay HS, Huang CJ. 논문명 : Wild bitter gourd improves metabolic syndrome: a preliminary dietary supplementation trial. 2012
6462 T-14-1570 저자명 : Bondonno CP, Yang X, Croft KD, Considine MJ, Ward NC, Rich L, Puddey IB, Swinny E, Mubarak A, Hodgson JM. 논문명 : Flavonoid-rich apples and nitrate-rich spinach augment nitric oxide status and improve endothelial function in healthy men and women: a randomized controlled trial. 2012
6461 T-14-1565 저자명 : Blum A, Loerz C, Martin HJ, Staab-Weijnitz CA, Maser E. 논문명 : Momordica charantia extract, a herbal remedy for type 2 diabetes, contains a specific 11棺-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitor. 2012
6460 T-14-1559 저자명 : Bhuiyan MI, Kim JY, Ha TJ, Kim SY, Cho KO. 논문명 : Anthocyanins extracted from black soybean seed coat protect primary cortical neurons against in vitro ischemia. 2012
6459 T-14-1551 저자명 : Uchida K, Miura Y, Nagai M, Tominaga M. 논문명 : Isothiocyanates from Wasabia japonica activate transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel. 2012
6458 T-14-1537 저자명 : Giraud E, Ivanova A, Gordon CS, Whelan J, Considine MJ. 논문명 : Sulphur dioxide evokes a large scale reprogramming of the grape berry transcriptome associated with oxidative signalling and biotic defence responses. 2012
6457 T-14-1536 저자명 : Zhu BQ, Xu XQ, Wu YW, Duan CQ, Pan QH. 논문명 : Isolation and characterization of two hydroperoxide lyase genes from grape berries : HPL isogenes in Vitis vinifera grapes. 2012
6456 T-14-1513 저자명 : Song Y, Deng Y, Huang D, Wen J, Liu Z, Li F. 논문명 : LC-MS/MS determination and pharmacokinetic study of four lignan components in rat plasma after oral administration of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus extract. 2012
6455 T-14-1511 저자명 : Tanaka Y, Tsuda M, Yasumoto K, Yamagishi H, Terachi T. 논문명 : A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Ogura-type male-sterile cytoplasm and its comparative analysis with that of normal cytoplasm in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). 2012