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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6714 T-17-2836 저자명 : Huang GJ, Huang SS, Deng JS. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory activities of inotilone from Phellinus linteus through the inhibition of MMP-9, NF-觀B, and MAPK activation in vitro and in vivo. 2012
6713 T-17-2835 저자명 : Jiang J, Thyagarajan-Sahu A, Loganathan J, Eliaz I, Terry C, Sandusky GE, Sliva D. 논문명 : BreastDefend??prevents breast-to-lung cancer metastases in an orthotopic animal model of triple-negative human breast cancer. 2012
6712 T-17-2834 저자명 : Hwang JS, Kwon HK, Kim JE, Rho J, Im SH. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory effect of water soluble extract separated from mycelium of Phellinus linteus on experimental atopic dermatitis. 2012
6711 T-17-2833 저자명 : Wang H, Wu G, Park HJ, Jiang PP, Sit WH, van Griensven LJ, Wan JM. 논문명 : Protective effect of Phellinus linteus polysaccharide extracts against thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats: a proteomics analysis. 2012
6710 T-17-2801 저자명 : Lee SG, Lee EJ, Park WD, Kim JB, Kim EO, Choi SW. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and anti-osteoarthritis effects of fermented Achyranthes japonica Nakai. 2012
6709 T-17-2776 저자명 : Lee BH, Huang YY, Duh PD, Wu SC. 논문명 : Hepatoprotection of emodin and Polygonum multiflorum against CCl(4)-induced liver injury. 2012
6708 T-17-2775 저자명 : Wang M, Zhao R, Wang W, Mao X, Yu J. 논문명 : Lipid regulation effects of Polygoni Multiflori Radix, its processed products and its major substances on steatosis human liver cell line L02. 2012
6707 T-17-2773 저자명 : Zhang JK, Yang L, Meng GL, Fan J, Chen JZ, He QZ, Chen S, Fan JZ, Luo ZJ, Liu J. 논문명 : Protective effect of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside against hydrogen peroxide-induced dysfunction and oxidative stress in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. 2012
6706 T-17-2770 저자명 : Zhou L, Hou Y, Yang Q, Du X, Li M, Yuan M, Zhou Z. 논문명 : Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside improves the learning and memory of amyloid-棺(?곣굥?꾟굚)-injected rats and may be connected to synaptic changes in the hippocampus. 2012
6705 T-17-2769 저자명 : Banarova A, Koller T, Payer J. 논문명 : [Toxic hepatitis induced by Polygonum multiflorum]. 2012