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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6744 T-17-3257 저자명 : Alexander JS, Wang Y. 논문명 : Therapeutic potential of Schisandra chinensis extracts for treatment of hypertension. Introduction to: 'antihypertensive effect of gomisin A from Schisandra chinensis on angiotensin II-induced hypertension via preservation of nitric oxide bioavailability' by Park et al. 2012
6743 T-17-3256 저자명 : Hu D, Li C, Han N, Miao L, Wang D, Liu Z, Wang H, Yin J. 논문명 : Deoxyschizandrin isolated from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis ameliorates A棺?곣굥?꾟굚-induced memory impairment in mice. 2012
6742 T-17-3255 저자명 : Hu D, Cao Y, He R, Han N, Liu Z, Miao L, Yin J. 논문명 : Schizandrin, an antioxidant lignan from Schisandra chinensis, ameliorates Aβ1-42-induced memory impairment in mice. 2012
6741 T-17-3254 저자명 : Wang HJ, Chiang BH. 논문명 : Anti-diabetic effect of a traditional Chinese medicine formula. 2012
6740 T-17-3253 저자명 : Checker R, Patwardhan RS, Sharma D, Menon J, Thoh M, Bhilwade HN, Konishi T, Sandur SK. 논문명 : Schisandrin B exhibits anti-inflammatory activity through modulation of the redox-sensitive transcription factors Nrf2 and NF-觀B. 2012
6739 T-17-3252 저자명 : Lee SK, Kim SD, Lee HY, Baek SH, Ko MJ, Son BG, Park S, Choi YW, Bae YS. 논문명 : a-Iso-cubebene, a natural compound isolated from Schisandra chinensis fruit, has therapeutic benefit against polymicrobial sepsis. 2012
6738 T-17-3251 저자명 : Pan SY, Yu Q, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Sun N, Yu ZL, Ko KM. 논문명 : Dietary Fructus Schisandrae extracts and fenofibrate regulate the serum/hepatic lipid-profile in normal and hypercholesterolemic mice, with attention to hepatotoxicity. 2012
6737 T-17-3250 저자명 : Lee SK, Kim SD, Kook M, Lee HY, Park JS, Park YH, Kang JS, Jung WJ, Choi YW, Bae YS. 논문명 : Therapeutic effects of a-iso-cubebenol, a natural compound isolated from the Schisandra chinensis fruit, against sepsis. 2012
6736 T-17-3249 저자명 : Kang K, Lee KM, Yoo JH, Lee HJ, Kim CY, Nho CW. 논문명 : Dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans, gomisins J and N inhibit the Wnt/棺-catenin signaling pathway in HCT116 cells. 2012
6735 T-17-3247 저자명 : Jiang T, Du B, Yang P. 논문명 : WITHDRAWN: Anti-myocardial fibrosis effect of a polysaccharide from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis. 2012