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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6724 T-17-2993 저자명 : Li T, Chen H, Wei N, Mei X, Zhang S, Liu DL, Gao Y, Bai SF, Liu XG, Zhou YX. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory mechanisms of artemisinin on contact hypersensitivity. 2012
6723 T-17-2991 저자명 : Zhang CZ, Zhang H, Yun J, Chen GG, Lai PB. 논문명 : Dihydroartemisinin exhibits antitumor activity toward hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. 2012
6722 T-17-2990 저자명 : Lee J, Kim MH, Lee JH, Jung E, Yoo ES, Park D. 논문명 : Artemisinic acid is a regulator of adipocyte differentiation and C/EBP 灌 expression. 2012
6721 T-17-2989 저자명 : Yang Z, Ding J, Yang C, Gao Y, Li X, Chen X, Peng Y, Fang J, Xiao S. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of artesunate in experimental colitis. 2012
6720 T-17-2988 저자명 : Th첩fner IC, Liebhart D, Hess M, Schou TW, Hess C, Ivarsen E, Frett챕 XC, Christensen LP, Grevsen K, Engberg RM, Christensen JP. 논문명 : Antihistomonal effects of artemisinin and Artemisia annua extracts in vitro could not be confirmed by in vivo experiments in turkeys and chickens. 2012
6719 T-17-2987 저자명 : Zhao YG, Wang Y, Guo Z, Gu AD, Dan HC, Baldwin AS, Hao W, Wan YY. 논문명 : Dihydroartemisinin ameliorates inflammatory disease by its reciprocal effects on Th and regulatory T cell function via modulating the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. 2012
6718 T-17-2986 저자명 : Melillo de Magalh찾es P, Dupont I, Hendrickx A, Joly A, Raas T, Dessy S, Sergent T, Schneider YJ. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effect and modulation of cytochrome P450 activities by Artemisia annua tea infusions in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. 2012
6717 T-17-2985 저자명 : Cho YC, Lee SH, Lee M, Kim HJ, Oak MH, Lee IS, Kang BY. 논문명 : Enhanced IL-12p40 production in LPS-stimulated macrophages by inhibiting JNK activation by artemisinin. 2012
6716 T-17-2984 저자명 : Elfawal MA, Towler MJ, Reich NG, Golenbock D, Weathers PJ, Rich SM. 논문명 : Dried whole plant Artemisia annua as an antimalarial therapy. 2012
6715 T-17-2909 저자명 : Sung MJ, Davaatseren M, Hur HJ, Kim HJ, Ryu SY, Choi YH, Cha MR, Kwon DY. 논문명 : Antiosteoporotic activity of Saururus chinensis extract in ovariectomized rats. 2012