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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6774 T-17-3509 저자명 : Hazarika R, Parida P, Neog B, Yadav RN. 논문명 : Binding Energy calculation of GSK-3 protein of Human against some anti-diabetic compounds of Momordica charantia linn (Bitter melon). 2012
6773 T-17-3508 저자명 : Chen PH, Chen GC, Yang MF, Hsieh CH, Chuang SH, Yang HL, Kuo YH, Chyuan JH, Chao PM. 논문명 : Bitter melon seed oil-attenuated body fat accumulation in diet-induced obese mice is associated with cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation and cell death in white adipose tissue. 2012
6772 T-17-3507 저자명 : Cheng HL, Kuo CY, Liao YW, Lin CC. 논문명 : EMCD, a hypoglycemic triterpene isolated from Momordica charantia wild variant, attenuates TNF-慣-induced inflammation in FL83B cells in an AMP-activated protein kinase-independent manner. 2012
6771 T-17-3506 저자명 : Ademiluyi AO, Oboh G. 논문명 : Phenolic-rich extracts from selected tropical underutilized legumes inhibit 慣-amylase, 慣-glucosidase, and angiotensin I converting enzyme in vitro. 2012
6770 T-17-3505 저자명 : Hsu C, Tsai TH, Li YY, Wu WH, Huang CJ, Tsai PJ. 논문명 : Wild bitter melon (Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser.) extract and its bioactive components suppress Propionibacterium acnes-induced inflammation. 2012
6769 T-17-3504 저자명 : Carillon J, Del Rio D, Teiss챔dre PL, Cristol JP, Lacan D, Rouanet JM. 논문명 : Antioxidant capacity and angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory activity of a melon concentrate rich in superoxide dismutase. 2012
6768 T-17-3502 저자명 : Zhu Y, Dong Y, Qian X, Cui F, Guo Q, Zhou X, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Xiong Z. 논문명 : Effect of superfine grinding on antidiabetic activity of bitter melon powder. 2012
6767 T-17-3411 저자명 : Del Rosario A, McDermott MM, Panee J. 논문명 : Effects of a high-fat diet and bamboo extract supplement on anxiety- and depression-like neurobehaviours in mice. 2012
6766 T-17-3410 저자명 : Yang SJ, Zhang YJ, Sun M, Goldstein G, Cao KF. 논문명 : Recovery of diurnal depression of leaf hydraulic conductance in a subtropical woody bamboo species: embolism refilling by nocturnal root pressure. 2012
6765 T-17-3409 저자명 : Kim KY, Nam SY, Shin TY, Park KY, Jeong HJ, Kim HM. 논문명 : Bamboo salt reduces allergic responses by modulating the caspase-1 activation in an OVA-induced allergic rhinitis mouse model. 2012