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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7334 T-14-0511 저자명 : Hur SJ, Lee SJ, Kim DH, Chun SC, Lee SK. 논문명 : Onion extract structural changes during in vitro digestion and its potential antioxidant effect on brain lipids obtained from low- and high-fat-fed mice. 2013
7333 T-14-0510 저자명 : Zabka A, Trzaskoma P, Maszewski J. 논문명 : Dissimilar effects of 棺-lapachone- and hydroxyurea-induced DNA replication stress in root meristem cells of Allium cepa. 2013
7332 T-14-0352 저자명 : Vahdat Shariatpanahi Z, Mokhtari M, Taleban FA, Alavi F, Salehi Surmaghi MH, Mehrabi Y, Shahbazi S. 논문명 : Effect of enteral feeding with ginger extract in acute respiratory distress syndrome. 2013
7331 T-14-0349 저자명 : Chang JS, Wang KC, Yeh CF, Shieh DE, Chiang LC. 논문명 : Fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) has anti-viral activity against human respiratory syncytial virus in human respiratory tract cell lines. 2013
7330 T-14-0346 저자명 : Jiang Y, Turgeon DK, Wright BD, Sidahmed E, Ruffin MT, Brenner DE, Sen A, Zick SM. 논문명 : Effect of ginger root on cyclooxygenase-1 and 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase expression in colonic mucosa of humans at normal and increased risk for colorectal cancer. 2013
7329 T-14-0343 저자명 : Nair RA, Thomas G. 논문명 : Molecular characterization of ZzR1 resistance gene from Zingiber zerumbet with potential for imparting Pythium aphanidermatum resistance in ginger. 2013
7328 T-14-0340 저자명 : Citronberg J, Bostick R, Ahearn T, Turgeon DK, Ruffin MT, Djuric Z, Sen A, Brenner DE, Zick SM. 논문명 : Effects of ginger supplementation on cell-cycle biomarkers in the normal-appearing colonic mucosa of patients at increased risk for colorectal cancer: results from a pilot, randomized, and controlled trial. 2013
7327 T-14-0339 저자명 : Mahmoud RH, Elnour WA. 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of ginger and orlistat on obesity management, pancreatic lipase and liver peroxisomal catalase enzyme in male albino rats. 2013
7326 T-14-0338 저자명 : Nduka SO, Okonta MJ, Esimone CO. 논문명 : Effects of Zingiber officinale on the plasma pharmacokinetics and lung penetrations of ciprofloxacin and isoniazid. 2013
7325 T-14-0336 저자명 : Zeng GF, Zhang ZY, Lu L, Xiao DQ, Zong SH, He JM. 논문명 : Protective effects of ginger root extract on Alzheimer disease-induced behavioral dysfunction in rats. 2013