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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7294 T-14-0301 저자명 : Azzeh FS. 논문명 : Synergistic effect of green tea, cinnamon and ginger combination on enhancing postprandial blood glucose. 2013
7293 T-14-0300 저자명 : Therkleson T. 논문명 : Topical Ginger Treatment With a Compress or Patch for Osteoarthritis Symptoms. 2013
7292 T-14-0299 저자명 : Mahluji S, Ostadrahimi A, Mobasseri M, Ebrahimzade Attari V, Payahoo L. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effects of zingiber officinale in type 2 diabetic patients. 2013
7291 T-14-0298 저자명 : Wang H, Shen L, Li X, Sun M. 논문명 : MicroRNAs contribute to the anticancer effect of 1'-acetoxychavicol acetate in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell line HN4. 2013
7290 T-14-0297 저자명 : Kazeem MI, Akanji MA, Yakubu MT, Ashafa AO. 논문명 : Protective Effect of Free and Bound Polyphenol Extracts from Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) on the Hepatic Antioxidant and Some Carbohydrate Metabolizing Enzymes of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. 2013
7289 T-14-0295 저자명 : Angelini A, Conti P, Ciofani G, Cuccurullo F, Di Ilio C. 논문명 : Modulation of multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein activity by antiemetic compounds in human doxorubicin-resistant sarcoma cells (MES-SA/Dx-5): implications on cancer therapy. 2013
7288 T-14-0289 저자명 : Tzeng TF, Liou SS, Chang CJ, Liu IM. 논문명 : Zerumbone, a tropical ginger sesquiterpene, ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy in rats by reducing the hyperglycemia-induced inflammatory response. 2013
7287 T-14-0285 저자명 : Paramdeep G. 논문명 : Efficacy and tolerability of ginger (Zingiber officinale) in patients of osteoarthritis of knee. 2013
7286 T-14-0284 저자명 : Miao Y, Sun YB, Wang WJ, Zhang ZD, Jiang JD, Li ZH, Hu ZQ. 논문명 : [Inhibition effect of 6-gingerol on hair growth]. 2013
7285 T-14-0279 저자명 : Ahmadi R, Pishghadam S, Mollaamine F, Zand Monfared MR. 논문명 : Comparing the effects of ginger and glibenclamide on dihydroxybenzoic metabolites produced in stz-induced diabetic rats. 2013