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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7384 T-14-0978 저자명 : Liu AH, Bondonno CP, Croft KD, Puddey IB, Woodman RJ, Rich L, Ward NC, Vita JA, Hodgson JM. 논문명 : Effects of a nitrate-rich meal on arterial stiffness and blood pressure in healthy volunteers. 2013
7383 T-14-0966 저자명 : Thangam R, Suresh V, Rajkumar M, Vincent JD, Gunasekaran P, Anbazhagan C, Kaveri K, Kannan S. 논문명 : Antioxidant and in vitro anticancer effect of 2-pyrrolidinone rich fraction of Brassica oleracea var. capitata through induction of apoptosis in human cancer cells. 2013
7382 T-14-0872 저자명 : Kujawska M, Ignatowicz E, Ewertowska M, Adamska T, Markowski J, Jodynis-Liebert J. 논문명 : Attenuation of KBrO3-induced renal and hepatic toxicity by cloudy apple juice in rat. 2013
7381 T-14-0871 저자명 : Boqu챕 N, Campi처n J, de la Iglesia R, de la Garza AL, Milagro FI, San Rom찼n B, Ba챰uelos 횙, Mart챠nez JA. 논문명 : Screening of polyphenolic plant extracts for anti-obesity properties in Wistar rats. 2013
7380 T-14-0870 저자명 : Ravn-Haren G, Dragsted LO, Buch-Andersen T, Jensen EN, Jensen RI, N챕meth-Balogh M, Paulovicsov찼 B, Bergstr철m A, Wilcks A, Licht TR, Markowski J, B체gel S. 논문명 : Intake of whole apples or clear apple juice has contrasting effects on plasma lipids in healthy volunteers. 2013
7379 T-14-0869 저자명 : Larsson SC, Virtamo J, Wolk A. 논문명 : Total and specific fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of stroke: a prospective study. 2013
7378 T-14-0868 저자명 : Boqu챕 N, de la Iglesia R, de la Garza AL, Milagro FI, Olivares M, Ba챰uelos O, Soria AC, Rodr챠guez-S찼nchez S, Mart챠nez JA, Campi처n J. 논문명 : Prevention of diet-induced obesity by apple polyphenols in Wistar rats through regulation of adipocyte gene expression and DNA methylation patterns. 2013
7377 T-14-0867 저자명 : Escudero A, Petzold G, Moreno J, Gonzalez M, Junod J, Aguayo C, Acurio J, Escudero C. 논문명 : Supplementation with apple enriched with L-arginine may improve metabolic control and survival rate in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. 2013
7376 T-14-0866 저자명 : Mueller D, Triebel S, Rudakovski O, Richling E. 논문명 : Influence of triterpenoids present in apple peel on inflammatory gene expression associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 2013
7375 T-14-0865 저자명 : Sekhon-Loodu S, Warnakulasuriya SN, Rupasinghe HP, Shahidi F. 논문명 : Antioxidant ability of fractionated apple peel phenolics to inhibit fish oil oxidation. 2013