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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7414 T-14-1186 저자명 : Kim JH, Son YK, Kim GH, Hwang KH. 논문명 : Xanthoangelol and 4-Hydroxyderricin Are the Major Active Principles of the Inhibitory Activities against Monoamine Oxidases on Angelica keiskei K. 2013
7413 T-14-1173 저자명 : Moghadam MH, Imenshahidi M, Mohajeri SA. 논문명 : Antihypertensive effect of celery seed on rat blood pressure in chronic administration. 2013
7412 T-14-1172 저자명 : Jorge VG, 횁ngel JR, Adri찼n TS, Francisco AC, Anuar SG, Samuel ES, 횁ngel SO, Emmanuel HN. 논문명 : Vasorelaxant activity of extracts obtained from Apium graveolens: possible source for vasorelaxant molecules isolation with potential antihypertensive effect. 2013
7411 T-14-1151 저자명 : Kountouri AM, Gioxari A, Karvela E, Kaliora AC, Karvelas M, Karathanos VT. 논문명 : Chemopreventive properties of raisins originating from Greece in colon cancer cells. 2013
7410 T-14-1149 저자명 : Resende AC, Emiliano AF, Cordeiro VS, de Bem GF, de Cavalho LC, de Oliveira PR, Neto ML, Costa CA, Boaventura GT, de Moura RS. 논문명 : Grape skin extract protects against programmed changes in the adult rat offspring caused by maternal high-fat diet during lactation. 2013
7409 T-14-1123 저자명 : da Silva LM, Allemand A, Mendes DA, Dos Santos AC, Andr챕 E, de Souza LM, Cipriani TR, Dartora N, Marques MC, Baggio CH, Werner MF. 논문명 : Ethanolic extract of roots from Arctium lappa L. accelerates the healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer in rats: Involvement of the antioxidant system. 2013
7408 T-14-1122 저자명 : Ma ST, Liu DL, Deng JJ, Niu R, Liu RB. 논문명 : Effect of arctiin on glomerular filtration barrier damage in STZ-induced diabetic nephropathy rats. 2013
7407 T-14-1121 저자명 : Okazaki Y, Sitanggang NV, Sato S, Ohnishi N, Inoue J, Iguchi T, Watanabe T, Tomotake H, Harada K, Kato N. 논문명 : Burdock fermented by Aspergillus awamori elevates cecal Bifidobacterium, and reduces fecal deoxycholic acid and adipose tissue weight in rats fed a high-fat diet. 2013
7406 T-14-1120 저자명 : de Almeida AB, S찼nchez-Hidalgo M, Mart챠n AR, Luiz-Ferreira A, Trigo JR, Vilegas W, dos Santos LC, Souza-Brito AR, de la Lastra CA. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory intestinal activity of Arctium lappa L. (Asteraceae) in TNBS colitis model. 2013
7405 T-14-1119 저자명 : Hyam SR, Lee IA, Gu W, Kim KA, Jeong JJ, Jang SE, Han MJ, Kim DH. 논문명 : Arctigenin ameliorates inflammation in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT pathway and polarizing M1 macrophages to M2-like macrophages. 2013