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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7454 T-14-1484 저자명 : Zhang C, Gong P, Wei R, Li S, Zhang X, Yu Y, Wang Y. 논문명 : The metacaspase gene family of Vitis vinifera L.: characterization and differential expression during ovule abortion in stenospermocarpic seedless grapes. 2013
7453 T-14-1483 저자명 : Ji W, Wang Y. 논문명 : Breeding for seedless grapes using Chinese wild Vitis spp. II. In vitro embryo rescue and plant development. 2013
7452 T-14-1475 저자명 : Akasaka H, Sasaki R, Yoshida K, Takayama I, Yamaguchi T, Yoshida H, Mizushina Y. 논문명 : Monogalactosyl diacylglycerol, a replicative DNA polymerase inhibitor, from spinach enhances the anti-cell proliferation effect of gemcitabine in human pancreatic cancer cells. 2013
7451 T-14-1472 저자명 : Volgenant CM, van der Veen MH, de Soet JJ, ten Cate JM. 논문명 : Effect of metalloporphyrins on red autofluorescence from oral bacteria. 2013
7450 T-14-1471 저자명 : Montelius C, Osman N, Westr철m B, Ahrn챕 S, Molin G, Albertsson P횇, Erlanson-Albertsson C. 논문명 : Feeding spinach thylakoids to rats modulates the gut microbiota, decreases food intake and affects the insulin response. 2013
7449 T-14-1469 저자명 : Nagao A, Kotake-Nara E, Hase M. 논문명 : Effects of fats and oils on the bioaccessibility of carotenoids and vitamin E in vegetables. 2013
7448 T-14-1467 저자명 : Sun F, Zhang P, Guo M, Yu W, Chen K. 논문명 : Burdock fructooligosaccharide induces fungal resistance in postharvest Kyoho grapes by activating the salicylic acid-dependent pathway and inhibiting browning. 2013
7447 T-14-1455 저자명 : Gleize B, Tourniaire F, Depezay L, Bott R, Nowicki M, Albino L, Lairon D, Kesse-Guyot E, Galan P, Hercberg S, Borel P. 논문명 : Effect of type of TAG fatty acids on lutein and zeaxanthin bioavailability. 2013
7446 T-14-1423 저자명 : Seidlova-Wuttke D, Jarry H, Wuttke W. 논문명 : Plant derived alternatives for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 2013
7445 T-14-1419 저자명 : Gao Q, Zhang Y, Wo S, Zuo Z. 논문명 : Hydrolysis is the dominating in vivo metabolism pathway for arctigenin: identification of novel metabolites of arctigenin by LC/MS/MS after oral administration in rats. 2013