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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7434 T-14-1320 저자명 : V찼zquez-Castilla S, De la Puerta R, Garcia Gimenez MD, Fern찼ndez-Arche MA, Guill챕n-Bejarano R. 논문명 : Bioactive constituents from triguero 2013
7433 T-14-1318 저자명 : Cheng L, Pan GF, Sun XB, Huang YX, Peng YS, Zhou LY. 논문명 : Evaluation of anxiolytic-like effect of aqueous extract of asparagus stem in mice. 2013
7432 T-14-1315 저자명 : Nishimura M, Ohkawara T, Kagami-Katsuyama H, Sato H, Nishihira J. 논문명 : Improvement of Blood Pressure, Glucose Metabolism, and Lipid Profile by the Intake of Powdered Asparagus ( L첬 S큼n) Bottom-stems and Cladophylls. 2013
7431 T-14-1303 저자명 : Oh HJ, Kang YG, Na TY, Kim HJ, Park JS, Cho WJ, Lee MO. 논문명 : Identification of daidzein as a ligand of retinoic acid receptor that suppresses expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in HaCaT cells. 2013
7430 T-14-1302 저자명 : Kim MJ, Ha BJ. 논문명 : Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Fermented Rhynchosia nulubilis in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats. 2013
7429 T-14-1291 저자명 : Elekofehinti OO, Kamdem JP, Bolingon AA, Athayde ML, Lopes SR, Waczuk EP, Kade IJ, Adanlawo IG, Rocha JB. 논문명 : African eggplant (Solanum anguivi Lam.) fruit with bioactive polyphenolic compounds exerts in vitro antioxidant properties and inhibits Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling. 2013
7428 T-14-1259 저자명 : Lo HY, Ho TY, Lin C, Li CC, Hsiang CY. 논문명 : Momordica charantia and its novel polypeptide regulate glucose homeostasis in mice via binding to insulin receptor. 2013
7427 T-14-1257 저자명 : Iseli TJ, Turner N, Zeng XY, Cooney GJ, Kraegen EW, Yao S, Ye Y, James DE, Ye JM. 논문명 : Activation of AMPK by bitter melon triterpenoids involves CaMKKb. 2013
7426 T-14-1255 저자명 : Matsui S, Yamane T, Takita T, Oishi Y, Kobayashi-Hattori K. 논문명 : The hypocholesterolemic activity of Momordica charantia fruit is mediated by the altered cholesterol- and bile acid-regulating gene expression in rat liver. 2013
7425 T-14-1254 저자명 : Weng JR, Bai LY, Chiu CF, Hu JL, Chiu SJ, Wu CY. 논문명 : Cucurbitane Triterpenoid from Momordica charantia Induces Apoptosis and Autophagy in Breast Cancer Cells, in Part, through Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor 款 Activation. 2013