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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7784 T-17-3239 저자명 : Zhang Y, Shen N, Qi L, Chen W, Dong Z, Zhao DH. 논문명 : [Efficacy of Schizandra chinesis polysaccharide on cyclophosphamide induced dyszoospermia of rats and its effects on reproductive hormones]. 2013
7783 T-17-3238 저자명 : Sun H, Wu F, Zhang A, Wei W, Han Y, Wang X. 논문명 : Profiling and identification of the absorbed constituents and metabolites of schisandra lignans by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. 2013
7782 T-17-3235 저자명 : Chen P, Pang S, Yang N, Meng H, Liu J, Zhou N, Zhang M, Xu Z, Gao W, Chen B, Tao Z, Wang L, Yang Z. 논문명 : Beneficial effects of schisandrin B on the cardiac function in mice model of myocardial infarction. 2013
7781 T-17-3233 저자명 : Shen B, Truong J, Helliwell R, Govindaraghavan S, Sucher NJ. 논문명 : An in vitro study of neuroprotective properties of traditional Chinese herbal medicines thought to promote healthy ageing and longevity. 2013
7780 T-17-3224 저자명 : Yao Z, Liu XC, Gu YE. 논문명 : Schisandra chinensis Baill, a Chinese medicinal herb, alleviates high-fat-diet-inducing non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in rats. 2013
7779 T-17-3101 저자명 : Hunyadi A, Veres K, Danko B, Kele Z, Weber E, Hetenyi A, Zupko I, Hsieh TJ. 논문명 : In vitro anti-diabetic activity and chemical characterization of an apolar fraction of Morus alba leaf water extract. 2013
7778 T-17-3098 저자명 : Khan MA, Rahman AA, Islam S, Khandokhar P, Parvin S, Islam MB, Hossain M, Rashid M, Sadik G, Nasrin S, Mollah MN, Alam AH. 논문명 : A comparative study on the antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from different parts of Morus alba L. (Moraceae). 2013
7777 T-17-3097 저자명 : Choi J, Kang HJ, Kim SZ, Kwon TO, Jeong SI, Jang SI. 논문명 : Antioxidant effect of astragalin isolated from the leaves of Morus alba L. against free radical-induced oxidative hemolysis of human red blood cells. 2013
7776 T-17-3096 저자명 : Guo C, Li R, Zheng N, Xu L, Liang T, He Q. 논문명 : Chrysanthemum zawadskii extract protects osteoblastic cells from highly reducing sugar-induced oxidative damage. 2013
7775 T-17-3095 저자명 : Chang JJ, Hsu MJ, Huang HP, Chung DJ, Chang YC, Wang CJ. 논문명 : Mulberry anthocyanins inhibit oleic acid induced lipid accumulation by reduction of lipogenesis and promotion of hepatic lipid clearance. 2013