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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7764 T-17-2983 저자명 : Paddon CJ, Westfall PJ, Pitera DJ, Benjamin K, Fisher K, McPhee D, Leavell MD, Tai A, Main A, Eng D, Polichuk DR, Teoh KH, Reed DW, Treynor T, Lenihan J, Fleck M, Bajad S, Dang G, Dengrove D, Diola D, Dorin G, Ellens KW, et al. 논문명 : High-level semi-synthetic production of the potent antimalarial artemisinin. 2013
7763 T-17-2982 저자명 : Wei M, Xie X, Chu X, Yang X, Guan M, Wang D. 논문명 : Dihydroartemisinin suppresses ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation in a mouse allergic asthma model. 2013
7762 T-17-2981 저자명 : Blazquez AG, Fernandez-Dolon M, Sanchez-Vicente L, Maestre AD, Gomez-San Miguel AB, Alvarez M, Serrano MA, Jansen H, Efferth T, Marin JJ, Romero MR. 논문명 : Novel artemisinin derivatives with potential usefulness against liver/colon cancer and viral hepatitis. 2013
7761 T-17-2980 저자명 : Zhu XX, Yang L, Li YJ, Zhang D, Chen Y, Kosteck찼 P, Kmon챠훾kov찼 E, Z챠dek Z. 논문명 : Effects of sesquiterpene, flavonoid and coumarin types of compounds from Artemisia annua L. on production of mediators of angiogenesis. 2013
7760 T-17-2979 저자명 : Azimi Mohamadabadi M, Hassan ZM, Zavaran Hosseini A, Gholamzad M, Noori S, Mahdavi M, Maroof H. 논문명 : Arteether exerts antitumor activity and reduces CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T-reg cells in vivo. 2013
7759 T-17-2978 저자명 : Liu Y, Cui YF. 논문명 : Synergism of cytotoxicity effects of triptolide and artesunate combination treatment in pancreatic cancer cell lines. 2013
7758 T-17-2977 저자명 : Krusche B, Arend J, Efferth T. 논문명 : Synergistic inhibition of angiogenesis by artesunate and captopril in vitro and in vivo. 2013
7757 T-17-2976 저자명 : Paul S, Shakya K. 논문명 : Arsenic, chromium and NaCl induced artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L.: a valuable antimalarial plant. 2013
7756 T-17-2975 저자명 : Bamunuarachchi GS, Ratnasooriya WD, Premakumara S, Udagama PV. 논문명 : Antimalarial properties of Artemisia vulgaris L. ethanolic leaf extract in a Plasmodium berghei murine malaria model. 2013
7755 T-17-2908 저자명 : Lee DH, Kim DH, Oh IY, Kim SY, Lim YY, Kim HM, Kim YH, Choi YM, Kim SE, Kim BJ, Kim MN. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of Saururi chinensis extracts on melanin biosynthesis in B16F10 melanoma cells. 2013