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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7814 T-17-3567 저자명 : Sisodia R, Rifat F, Sharma A, Srivastava P, Sharma K. 논문명 : Effects of 10-GHz microwaves on hematological parameters in Swiss albino mice and their modulation by Prunus avium. 2013
7813 T-17-3503 저자명 : Tuan PA, Park SU. 논문명 : Molecular cloning and characterization of cDNAs encoding carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase in bitter melon (Momordica charantia). 2013
7812 T-17-3501 저자명 : Bimakr M, Rahman RA, Taip FS, Adzahan NM, Sarker MZ, Ganjloo A. 논문명 : Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of seed oil from winter melon (Benincasa hispida) and its antioxidant activity and fatty acid composition. 2013
7811 T-17-3500 저자명 : Kwatra D, Subramaniam D, Ramamoorthy P, Standing D, Moran E, Velayutham R, Mitra A, Umar S, Anant S. 논문명 : Methanolic extracts of bitter melon inhibit colon cancer stem cells by affecting energy homeostasis and autophagy. 2013
7810 T-17-3498 저자명 : Okada Y, Okada M. 논문명 : Protective effects of plant seed extracts against amyloid 棺-induced neurotoxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons. 2013
7809 T-17-3497 저자명 : Hsieh CH, Chen GC, Chen PH, Wu TF, Chao PM. 논문명 : Altered white adipose tissue protein profile in C57BL/6J mice displaying delipidative, inflammatory, and browning characteristics after bitter melon seed oil treatment. 2013
7808 T-17-3496 저자명 : Yu Y, Zhang XH, Ebersole B, Ribnicky D, Wang ZQ. 논문명 : Bitter melon extract attenuating hepatic steatosis may be mediated by FGF21 and AMPK/Sirt1 signaling in mice. 2013
7807 T-17-3494 저자명 : Bao B, Chen YG, Zhang L, Na Xu YL, Wang X, Liu J, Qu W. 논문명 : Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon) reduces obesity-associated macrophage and mast cell infiltration as well as inflammatory cytokine expression in adipose tissues. 2013
7806 T-17-3493 저자명 : Kim HY, Sin SM, Lee S, Cho KM, Cho EJ. 논문명 : The Butanol Fraction of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Scavenges Free Radicals and Attenuates Oxidative Stress. 2013
7805 T-17-3404 저자명 : Zhao X, Kim SY, Park KY. 논문명 : Bamboo salt has in vitro anticancer activity in HCT-116 cells and exerts anti-metastatic effects in vivo. 2013