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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7894 T-17-4366 저자명 : R. L. Thangapazham, S. Sharad and R. K. Maheshwari 논문명 : Skin regenerative potentials of curcumin 2013
7893 T-17-4355 저자명 : M. Takikawa, Y. Kurimoto and T. Tsuda 논문명 : Curcumin stimulates glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion in GLUTag cells via Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II activation 2013
7892 T-17-4345 저자명 : J. Sun, Y. Zhao and J. Hu 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like inflammation by inhibiting IL-1beta and IL-6 production in mice 2013
7891 T-17-4343 저자명 : C. Y. Sun, S. S. Qi, P. Zhou, H. R. Cui, S. X. Chen, K. Y. Dai and M. L. Tang 논문명 : Neurobiological and pharmacological validity of curcumin in ameliorating memory performance of senescence-accelerated mice 2013
7890 T-17-4340 저자명 : Subhashini, P. S. Chauhan, S. Kumari, J. P. Kumar, R. Chawla, D. Dash, M. Singh and R. Singh 논문명 : Intranasal curcumin and its evaluation in murine model of asthma 2013
7889 T-17-4322 저자명 : V. Soetikno, K. Suzuki, P. T. Veeraveedu, S. Arumugam, A. P. Lakshmanan, H. Sone and K. Watanabe 논문명 : Molecular understanding of curcumin in diabetic nephropathy 2013
7888 T-17-4317 저자명 : V. Singh, M. Jain, A. Misra, V. Khanna, M. Rana, P. Prakash, R. Malasoni, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Dikshit and M. K. Barthwal 논문명 : Curcuma oil ameliorates hyperlipidaemia and associated deleterious effects in golden Syrian hamsters 2013
7887 T-17-4307 저자명 : J. M. Shieh, Y. C. Chen, Y. C. Lin, J. N. Lin, W. C. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, C. T. Ho and T. D. Way 논문명 : Demethoxycurcumin inhibits energy metabolic and oncogenic signaling pathways through AMPK activation in triple-negative breast cancer cells 2013
7886 T-17-4305 저자명 : L. R. Shen, F. Xiao, P. Yuan, Y. Chen, Q. K. Gao, L. D. Parnell, M. Meydani, J. M. Ordovas, D. Li and C. Q. Lai 논문명 : Curcumin-supplemented diets increase superoxide dismutase activity and mean lifespan in Drosophila 2013
7885 T-17-4304 저자명 : L. R. Shen, L. D. Parnell, J. M. Ordovas and C. Q. Lai 논문명 : Curcumin and aging 2013