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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7824 T-17-3642 저자명 : Hwang YP, Choi JH, Kim HG, Lee HS, Chung YC, Jeong HG. 논문명 : Saponins from Platycodon grandiflorum inhibit hepatic lipogenesis through induction of SIRT1 and activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in high-glucose-induced HepG2 cells. 2013
7823 T-17-3639 저자명 : Lu Z, Wang L, Zhou R, Qiu Y, Yang L, Zhang C, Cai M, Mi M, Xu H. 논문명 : Evaluation of the spermicidal and contraceptive activity of Platycodin D, a Saponin from Platycodon grandiflorum. 2013
7822 T-17-3637 저자명 : Ishimaru N, Maeno T, Suzuki M, Maeno T. 논문명 : Rapid effects of Kikyo-to on sore throat pain associated with acute upper respiratory tract infection. 2013
7821 T-17-3636 저자명 : Kim JW, Park SJ, Lim JH, Yang JW, Shin JC, Lee SW, Suh JW, Hwang SB. 논문명 : Triterpenoid Saponins Isolated from Platycodon grandiflorum Inhibit Hepatitis C Virus Replication. 2013
7820 T-17-3612 저자명 : Yang H, Lee YC, Han KS, Singh H, Yoon M, Park JH, Cho CW, Cho S. 논문명 : Green and gold kiwifruit peel ethanol extracts potentiate pentobarbital-induced sleep in mice via a GABAergic mechanism. 2013
7819 T-17-3611 저자명 : Carr AC, Bozonet SM, Pullar JM, Simcock JW, Vissers MC. 논문명 : A randomized steady-state bioavailability study of synthetic versus natural (kiwifruit-derived) vitamin C. 2013
7818 T-17-3594 저자명 : Seo JH, Kim TW, Kim CJ, Sung YH, Lee SJ. 논문명 : Treadmill exercise during pregnancy ameliorates post?몋raumatic stress disorder?멼nduced anxiety?멿ike responses in maternal rats. 2013
7817 T-17-3593 저자명 : Lee HS, Choi JH, Kim YE, Kim IH, Kim BM, Lee CH. 논문명 : Effects of the Cynanchum wilfordii Ethanol Extract on the Serum Lipid Profile in Hypercholesterolemic Rats. 2013
7816 T-17-3570 저자명 : Kelley DS, Adkins Y, Reddy A, Woodhouse LR, Mackey BE, Erickson KL. 논문명 : Sweet bing cherries lower circulating concentrations of markers for chronic inflammatory diseases in healthy humans. 2013
7815 T-17-3569 저자명 : Zhao Y, Tan DX, Lei Q, Chen H, Wang L, Li QT, Gao Y, Kong J. 논문명 : Melatonin and its potential biological functions in the fruits of sweet cherry. 2013