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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7874 T-17-4160 저자명 : A. Murakami, I. Furukawa, S. Miyamoto, T. Tanaka and H. Ohigashi 논문명 : Curcumin combined with turmerones, essential oil components of turmeric, abolishes inflammation-associated mouse colon carcinogenesis 2013
7873 T-17-4146 저자명 : A. R. Moghadam, D. Mohajeri, A. Namvaran-Abbas-Abad, H. Manafi, D. Shahi and M. Mazani 논문명 : Protective effect of turmeric extract on ethotrexate-induced intestinal damage and oxidative stress 2013
7872 T-17-4135 저자명 : B. Meng, J. Li and H. Cao 논문명 : Antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities of curcumin on diabetes mellitus and its complications 2013
7871 T-17-4120 저자명 : S. A. Marathe, R. Kumar, P. Ajitkumar, V. Nagaraja and D. Chakravortty 논문명 : Curcumin reduces the antimicrobial activity of ciprofloxacin against Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella typhi 2013
7870 T-17-4087 저자명 : Y. T. Lian, X. F. Yang, Z. H. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Yang, Y. W. Shu, L. X. Cheng and K. Liu 논문명 : Curcumin serves as a human kv1.3 blocker to inhibit effector memory T lymphocyte activities 2013
7869 T-17-4083 저자명 : Y. Li, X. Zou, K. Cao, J. Xu, T. Yue, F. Dai, B. Zhou, W. Lu, Z. Feng and J. Liu 논문명 : Curcumin analog 1, 5-bis (2-trifluoromethylphenyl)-1, 4-pentadien-3-one exhibits enhanced ability on Nrf2 activation and protection against acrolein-induced ARPE-19 cell toxicity 2013
7868 T-17-4078 저자명 : M. H. Leung, T. Harada and T. W. Kee 논문명 : Delivery of curcumin and medicinal effects of the copper(II)-curcumin complexes 2013
7867 T-17-4070 저자명 : J. Y. Lee, T. J. Shin, J. M. Choi, K. S. Seo, H. J. Kim, T. G. Yoon, Y. S. Lee, H. Han, H. J. Chung, Y. Oh, S. J. Jung and K. J. Shin 논문명 : Antinociceptive curcuminoid, KMS4034, effects on inflammatory and neuropathic pain likely via modulating TRPV1 in mice 2013
7866 T-17-4031 저자명 : S. Kohli, A. Chhabra, A. Jaiswal, Y. Rustagi, M. Sharma and V. Rani 논문명 : Curcumin suppresses gelatinase B mediated norepinephrine induced stress in H9c2 cardiomyocytes 2013
7865 T-17-4025 저자명 : S. W. Kim, K. C. Ha, E. K. Choi, S. Y. Jung, M. G. Kim, D. Y. Kwon, H. J. Yang, M. J. Kim, H. J. Kang, H. I. Back, S. Y. Kim, S. H. Park, H. Y. Baek, Y. J. Kim, J. Y. Lee and S. W. Chae 논문명 : The effectiveness of fermented turmeric powder in subjects with elevated alanine transaminase levels: a randomised controlled study 2013