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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8914 T-17-3813 저자명 : R. Afshariani, P. Farhadi, F. Ghaffarpasand and J. Roozbeh 논문명 : Effectiveness of topical curcumin for treatment of mastitis in breastfeeding women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial 2014
8913 T-17-3807 저자명 : R. Abou-Elkhair, H. A. Ahmed and S. Selim 논문명 : Effects of black pepper (piper nigrum), turmeric powder (curcuma longa) and coriander seeds (coriandrum sativum) and their combinations as feed additives on growth performance, carcass traits, some blood parameters and humoral immune response of broiler chickens 2014
8912 T-17-3752 저자명 : Asemi Z, Khorrami-Rad A, Alizadeh SA, Shakeri H, Esmaillzadeh A. 논문명 : Effects of synbiotic food consumption on metabolic status of diabetic patients: a double-blind randomized cross-over controlled clinical trial. 2014
8911 T-17-3749 저자명 : Korir MW, Wachira FN, Wanyoko JK, Ngure RM, Khalid R. 논문명 : The fortification of tea with sweeteners and milk and its effect on in vitro antioxidant potential of tea product and glutathione levels in an animal model. 2014
8910 T-17-3747 저자명 : Hajihashemi S, Ehsanpour AA. 논문명 : Antioxidant response of Stevia rebaudiana B. to polyethylene glycol and paclobutrazol treatments under in vitro culture. 2014
8909 T-17-3745 저자명 : Alfajaro MM, Rho MC, Kim HJ, Park JG, Kim DS, Hosmillo M, Son KY, Lee JH, Park SI, Kang MI, Ryu YB, Park KH, Oh HM, Lee SW, Park SJ, Lee WS, Cho KO. 논문명 : Anti-rotavirus effects by combination therapy of stevioside and Sophora flavescens extract. 2014
8908 T-17-3744 저자명 : Va큄ko L, Va큄kov찼 J, Fejer훾찼kov찼 A, Moj탑i큄ov찼 G, Por찼훾ov찼 J. 논문명 : Comparison of some antioxidant properties of plant extracts from Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Eleutherococcus senticosus and Stevia rebaudiana. 2014
8907 T-17-3743 저자명 : Wang T, Guo M, Song X, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Wang W, Fu Y, Cao Y, Zhu L, Zhang N. 논문명 : Stevioside plays an anti-inflammatory role by regulating the NF-觀B and MAPK pathways in S. aureus-infected mouse mammary glands. 2014
8906 T-17-3742 저자명 : Taghizadeh M, Asemi Z. 논문명 : Effects of synbiotic food consumption on glycemic status and serum hs-CRP in pregnant women: a randomized controlled clinical trial. 2014
8905 T-17-3723 저자명 : Marrelli M, Statti GA, Tundis R, Menichini F, Conforti F. 논문명 : Fatty acids, coumarins and polyphenolic compounds of Ficus carica L. cv. Dottato: variation of bioactive compounds and biological activity of aerial parts. 2014