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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8934 T-17-4042 저자명 : B. Kumar, A. Yadav, K. Hideg, P. Kuppusamy, T. N. Teknos and P. Kumar 논문명 : A novel curcumin analog (H-4073) enhances the therapeutic efficacy of cisplatin treatment in head and neck cancer 2014
8933 T-17-4037 저자명 : U. Kukongviriyapan, P. Pannangpetch, V. Kukongviriyapan, W. Donpunha, K. Sompamit and P. Surawattanawan 논문명 : Curcumin protects against cadmium-induced vascular dysfunction, hypertension and tissue cadmium accumulation in mice 2014
8932 T-17-4027 저자명 : Y. Kim, Y. You, H. G. Yoon, Y. H. Lee, K. Kim, J. Lee, M. S. Kim, J. C. Kim and W. Jun 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effects of fermented Curcuma longa L. on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats 2014
8931 T-17-4023 저자명 : M. B. Kim, C. Kim, Y. Song and J. K. Hwang 논문명 : Antihyperglycemic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Standardized Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. Extract and Its Active Compound Xanthorrhizol in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice 2014
8930 T-17-4016 저자명 : J. G. Kim, P. K. Mandal, K. D. Choi, C. W. Pyun, G. E. Hong and C. H. Lee 논문명 : Beneficial dietary effect of turmeric and sulphur on weight gain, fat deposition and lipid profile of serum and liver in rats 2014
8929 T-17-3984 저자명 : P. C. Joshi, H. H. Li, M. Merchant and T. C. Keane 논문명 : Total inhibition of (1)O2-induced oxidative damage to guanine bases of DNA/RNA by turmeric extracts 2014
8928 T-17-3978 저자명 : L. M. Jimenez-Flores, S. Lopez-Briones, M. H. Macias-Cervantes, J. Ramirez-Emiliano and V. Perez-Vazquez 논문명 : A PPARgamma, NF-kappaB and AMPK-dependent mechanism may be involved in the beneficial effects of curcumin in the diabetic db/db mice liver 2014
8927 T-17-3975 저자명 : H. F. Ji and L. Shen 논문명 : The multiple pharmaceutical potential of curcumin in Parkinson's disease 2014
8926 T-17-3973 저자명 : R. Jaswal, S. Dhawan, V. Grover and R. Malhotra 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of single application of 2% whole turmeric gel versus 1% chlorhexidine gel in chronic periodontitis patients: A pilot study 2014
8925 T-17-3970 저자명 : R. Jager, R. P. Lowery, A. V. Calvanese, J. M. Joy, M. Purpura and J. M. Wilson 논문명 : Comparative absorption of curcumin formulations 2014