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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8954 T-17-4273 저자명 : P. Sahbaie, Y. Sun, D. Y. Liang, X. Y. Shi and J. D. Clark 논문명 : Curcumin treatment attenuates pain and enhances functional recovery after incision 2014
8953 T-17-4266 저자명 : M. Rouse, A. Younes and J. M. Egan 논문명 : Resveratrol and curcumin enhance pancreatic beta-cell function by inhibiting phosphodiesterase activity 2014
8952 T-17-4216 저자명 : P. Picone, D. Nuzzo, L. Caruana, E. Messina, V. Scafidi and M. Di Carlo 논문명 : Curcumin induces apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cells via inhibition of AKT and Foxo3a nuclear translocation 2014
8951 T-17-4202 저자명 : M. Pakfetrat, F. Basiri, L. Malekmakan and J. Roozbeh 논문명 : Effects of turmeric on uremic pruritus in end stage renal disease patients: a double-blind randomized clinical trial 2014
8950 T-17-4200 저자명 : I. A. Packiavathy, S. Priya, S. K. Pandian and A. V. Ravi 논문명 : Inhibition of biofilm development of uropathogens by curcumin - an anti-quorum sensing agent from Curcuma longa 2014
8949 T-17-4195 저자명 : Y. Oner-Iyidogan, S. Tanrikulu-Kucuk, M. Seyithanoglu, H. Kocak, S. Dogru-Abbasoglu, A. F. Aydin, S. Beyhan-Ozdas, H. Yapislar and N. Kocak-Toker 논문명 : Effect of curcumin on hepatic heme oxygenase 1 expression in high fat diet fed rats: is there a triangular relationship? 2014
8948 T-17-4186 저자명 : S. O. Nwozo, D. A. Osunmadewa and B. E. Oyinloye 논문명 : Anti-fatty liver effects of oils from Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa on ethanol-induced fatty liver in rats 2014
8947 T-17-4185 저자명 : A. Noorafshan, M. A. Abdollahifar, R. Asadi-Golshan, A. Rashidian-Rashidabadi and S. Karbalay-Doust 논문명 : Curcumin and sertraline prevent the reduction of the number of neurons and glial cells and the volume of rats' medial prefrontal cortex induced by stress 2014
8946 T-17-4174 저자명 : R. K. Naz and M. L. Lough 논문명 : Curcumin as a potential non-steroidal contraceptive with spermicidal and microbicidal properties 2014
8945 T-17-4167 저자명 : G. H. Naderi, N. J. Dinani, S. Asgary, M. Taher, N. Nikkhoo and M. Boshtam 논문명 : Effect of some high consumption spices on hemoglobin glycation 2014